I thoroughly enjoyed the utter confusion that Wonder Woman has to go through in her mind when she realizes that everything is not as it seems with her being a daughter of Zeus. The beauty of this second volume, besides diving deeper in the re-imagined world of greek mythology and the absolute beauty in the detail of the art, is that characters have true reactions.
It is easy to relate to Wonder Woman in this story, because not only is she trying to come to grips with who she is, but she is also trying to achieve her mission. The ending of this volume is a little bit of an unexpected twist, but it does make you wonder what everyones agendas really are. Wonder Woman on the other hand seems to be the only person that is an open book. You can easily tell what her next move is, which is what make everything so interesting. When she makes her predicted moves, the outcomes are never quite what she expects. I very much look forward to reading next volume, and recommend this series to all that have a love of Wonder Woman and mythology.