Sometimes when life gives you a hiccup, you need to learn to embrace the sudden disruptions to life sustaining pathways and instead of focusing on how to prevent the next spasm. As of recent I have been working on the Battle Jacket project; however a short break was required on the jacket to finish up a couple of gifts for some dear friends.
I was in the middle of working on a simple stitch project and my sewing machine had a hiccup. Human hiccups and machine hiccups are two different things. When a machine spasms, it will only end in tears. I was pretty close to tears when everything locked in the machine and refused move. It took some fancy jiggling and manual moving of some gears for it to release the fabric from it's angry clutch.
Thankfully there is more than one sewing machine in my home. My husbands grandfathers sewing machine has been living in our basement, untouched since he passed away. Dusting off the case, we set up the machine as I tried ignore my husbands as he encouraged me to go get a new machine as he tried to research how to operate a classic Singer on YouTube. I don't want a new machine, I want my old machine fixed. Since it is going to take a little bit of leg work to find out who fixes sewing machines, and I needed to finish my project, the family sewing machine was going to have to do the job. After a few failed attempts we were able to get it working.
I don't often want to give myself a pat on the back, but this is one of those moments that I think I deserve it. I was full of trepidation when it came to Jon's grandfathers sewing machine, mostly because I remembered Hank, and I still have a waffle iron from him that is almost considered a lethal weapon. Hanks sewing machine exceeded my expectations and also made me feel like a want to be hipster. I am extremely proud that I was able to get it up and running. There is something to be said about things that are built to last. While I might not convert all my sewing projects to the old machine, I am happy that I was able to finish some current projects in a timely manner.