Evil Diva is an online comic that was like candy for me. It is a sugary sweet comic that has an underlying theme of questioning good and evil. In a world were people are either born an angel or born a devil, what happens if some one of an devil natures in innately good? What happens when someone that is supposed to be an angel, is anything but? This comic is clearly geared to the female tween audience, because I have a hard time believing that a teen boy or and adult man is going to be interested in anything that is primarily pink purple and sugar all over. The language is really easy to ready and clean cut lines and coloring in the comic is easy on the eyes.
I devoured Evil Diva and it left me wanting and waiting for more. I looked at the label, and was befuddled. I had never heard of Angry Viking Press. It left me intrigued. After a quick search on line, I was able to locate their website. I was astounded. Angry Viking is the press the Kickstarter built, and offered pre-order of Evil Diva 2. I think that it is phenomenal that Angry Viking Press is in existence It takes a lot of bravery to do something you love, and clearly Angry Viking loves on line comics or else they wouldn't be publishing them.
Which leads me to Books Galore. I have never been to Erie before in my life, and was only there for a very important wedding, but some how time was found to go into Books Galore. Oh my gosh! It was a readers wet dream. There were books every where. They had a huge graphic novel section and plenty of back issues out to amuse the masses for hour if not days. Even if you are not into graphic novels, there were aisle upon aisle of books, new books, old books, really antique books. I loved it. My regret is that I did not have more time to be able to explore this book store and plunder its bountiful riches. The fact that they had a fairly new graphic novel from a fairly new printing press, astounded me. I was impressed with how in tune Books Galore is was with literacy. I adore a book store that when you come in, the walls echo, "We don't care what you read, as long as you read!" No truer words could be spoken by a books store. Read something. If there was ever a reason to go back to Erie, this would be one of them.