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Showing posts with label Candy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Candy. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Best Costume Award

I am a little bit of curmudgeon when it comes to Halloween. I enjoy handing out candy to Trick or Treaters for the most part.I believe that Halloween is good family fun and brings a community together.  I get a kick out of seeing the different costumes on the kids and it might be the only time I actually talk to my neighbors.

There is a small part of me that gets cranky.   I get cranky when I see newborns trick or treating.  Newborn babies are little more than slugs and they have a very limited diet. I can guarantee that the precious bundle of joy is not going to be chomping down on a Babe Ruth or relishing SweetTarts that I am handing out.  I get it if you have other kids you are walking around with, and it makes sense; however when it is just you and a newborn strolling the streets getting free treats I get cranky.

With my predisposition of crankiness towards newborns, it took me buy surprise that one of the best costumes this year for Trick or Treat night was a mother and new born combo. I was blown away by the Log Lady costume.  The newborn was the log.   It was simple, but unique and made sense and made me laugh. (And there were other kids, so it wasn't opportunistic hustling for chocolates.)

 I think it was one of the few times that I had to take a picture, since I wasn't sure if anyone would believe me that there was a Twin Peaks costume out there. Much less the Log Lady.  It is right up there with the year that Old Greg came knocking for Halloween.  It restores faith in the creativity of humanity.  My final thought is, that if you are going to con me out of sweat treats, then at least be creative about it, so it doesn't feel like a con.  Saying "One for Baby and One for Mommy" when it comes to treats makes me want to hand out canned goods or books or tooth brushes instead of doses of cavity starters.  Be creative.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Sticky Conversations

Conversations with my niece are the best.  She might not think so.

Hailey: What is your favorite flavor of taffy?

Me:  Uhh..... Strawberrry?

Hailey: Pumpkin Donut Taffy is mine.

Me: What?

Hailey: Puummmppkiiinn. Dooonnnuuutttt Taffy

Me: I have never heard of it.

Hailey: I'm eating it, right now.

Me: What is the donut part of the taffy?

Hailey: ...What?

Me: You know, the donut.  It is kind of like a cake but frosted or glazed and people eat them for breakfast.

Hailey: Aunt T, I am talking about Taffy!

Me: Me too.  I just want to know what the donut part of the taffy is.

Hailey: It is just pumpkin!

Me:  Then why is it called Pumpkin Donut if there is no donut in it?

Hailey: Because that is the flavor.

Me: I know what pumpkin tastes like, but there are so many types of donuts out there, so I want to know what the donut component of the taffy tastes like.

Hailey: You're weird.

Me: Sprinkles?  Do you think it tastes like sprinkles?

Hailey: Insert exasperated sigh, that only a ten year old can give with conversing with adults that just don't seem to get it.

Laffy Taffy Joke: What kind of shoes do mice wear?    