Short story:
My car head light was out. It has been out for a couple of days, and with the sort of luck that I have I would get pulled over for being a menace to society and a safety violation, before I was going to be able to get to my mechanic to have the bulb changed. I really don't have the time or desire to be pulled over for something rather trivial. I needed to bulb changed. Today was the day.
I had some spare time in the afternoon, since the cake adventure took less time than anticipated. (I'll tell you about the cake later.) With a quick stop to the local auto parts shop, I procured my light bulb. It is probably the most expensive single bulb I have ever purchased. ($15 for one bulb)
With the car parked safely in the drive way, I embarked on this adventure. No adventure is complete with out a companion, so my brother dialed in for moral support and advice, since he is the mechanical one in the family. Twenty minutes of muttering about rubber, trying to pinch things that wanted pulled and discovering that my hand can fit in weirds spots in my car, I had successfully removed the rubber cap that protected the plug for the light. Ten minutes after that I actually got the rubber cap back on, since I wasn't supposed to take that off. The move I was supposed to do was more of a squeeze two little indents that you can't feel through the rubber and then pull to release the light plug. I did get the light bulb out, and then it was two minutes to the finish line from there.
Once I had the lid down and turned the car on to test the light, I was feeling pretty awesome. My brother was highly amused and extremely patient during the whole process. I think he hung in there to find out which inventive and unique combo of words were going to spew from my mouth as I questioned if was humanly possible to change the light bulb and if my hand were abnormally large. The whole process took about a half an hour, one phone call, eight pictures, two YouTube videos, one stubborn person and one really really patient person, oh and one light bulb.
Changing the light bulb was a victory. I am going to celebrate it. I am proud of myself.
Thank you Mike for your moral support and YouTube narration of instructions!