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Showing posts with label Sausage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sausage. Show all posts

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Remember the Mini Sausage Roll

I was going through my cookbooks and realized that I had accomplished two cookbooks that I had not blogged about.  I thought that I would take this lazy Sunday morning, where the snow is coming down in delicate manner and try to remember what these recipes, while sipping a hot cup of Earl Grey.

A couple of weeks ago, we had Kung Fu movie day at the house. From early in the morning till the blurry hours of the night, we and several friends over to watch a large succession of Kung Fu movies, ate the foods and drank all the drinks.  I think that having the friends over is a perfect reason to experiment with finger food.  Cracking open the Best Ever Appetizers, Starters & First Courses cookbook (another book from Hermes House)  was a good start to finding something good to eat.

The recipe that I found was a Mini Sausage Rolls, and it was ridiculously easy to make, or at least I from what I remember it was easy to make. It was sausage, onion, spices and pie crust all rolled together and baked.  (I had store bought pie crust, because I still can't make a descent pie crust.)

The Mini Sausage Rolls all got consumed, which I think is a good sign that they were passable. I have been told that they turned out well, and that the ones that I rolled thin, were better than the thick rolls, but over all I don't remember.  I just know that Jackie Chan punched a lot of things that day, and everyone fell asleep in Battlefield Baseball and that I still love Kung Fu Hustle will all my heart. I might have to make this recipe again, just so that I can remember more about it and not just the movies that I watched that day.

The other cookbook that I had used was a Thai cookbook, that also is apart of the Hermes House publishing line. I am sure that my addictions to these cookbooks had a lot to do with the fact that I worked in a book store that constantly had me fixing the display and that everything looks so good and simple to make.  Pork Belly and Five Spices was a testament to something that was rather easy to make and tasted awesome.

It has been several weeks since I made this, but from what I do remember is that I had to buy fish sauce for this recipe, and that is the one thing that has never been in my pantry until this moment, and it was not the easiest thing to find at my local grocery store.  I ended up finding it in the International Section of the grocery store. I think that next time I make this recipe, I am going to go to an specialty Asian grocer to pick up the ingredients.

The one thing that I can say about this recipe is that the finished product did look like the picture. Very few things that I make ever actually look like the picture. The fact that this one did, just proves how easy it is to make this recipe. I am looking forward to trying other recipes in this book, and if you ever see a copy in the bargain bin, I would pick it up.
How it is supposed to look