Rare Exports is not a child's movie, and is probably not child friendly at all. It is a Finnish horror- fantasy film that is completely in subtitles. Do not let the subtitles deter you from watching this. There are lots of really good movies out there with subtitles. Pans Labyrinth and Amelie to name a few. This movie has a dark sense of humor to it and the perversity of it made me smile more than once.
Rare Exports talks about the background of Santa Claus, (or the Krampus for those that know who it is) and told from a child point of view. It has all the earmarks of a holiday whimsy complete with a man in a Santa suit, elves, reindeer and gingerbread, but it also have other things in it that sometimes I which I had for the holidays, such as bear traps, death pits and really sharp knives. Rare Exports is not an intensely graphic movie, the way that most horror movies are, but is more a building suspense that keeps the watcher engaged. I would highly recommend this off the radar Christmas movie to any one that is looking to recapture the feel of the holidays and family with perhaps a little bit more dark quirkiness to it.