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Showing posts with label Glitter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Glitter. Show all posts

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Mail Slime

Everyone has days that aren't exactly bad days, but they aren't really all that great either.  Within the last week  or so I have locked myself out of the house, left my wallet at the grocery store and stubbed my toe no less than three times and gotten scratched by the cat.  Not great things to happen, but all things that I can recover from.   Then there are things that happen that even if you are having a not so great day that just make everything a little bit better. 

I don't live nearby a fair bit of my family.  We are mostly black sheep that like to roam. Even though we are not in close proximity some of us make efforts to keep in contact without the use of a Ouija Board, others we would have to use the board to get in contact with.  My niece, Hailey  (she's ten) decided to send me not one, but two letters this past week. Her letters certainly turned my not so great days a little bit better.   I have decided that I need to up my creativity when it comes to using parcel post. Sometimes a little bit of weird just makes a persons day that much better. 

You may have heard of people sending glitter bombs in the mail that leave a person covered in glitter.  I may or may not have filled more than one envelope in my lifetime with glitter and mailed it to person(s) to help them sparkle a little more through out the day, but never have I ever sent an envelope with slime in it.  I am not even sure how she got it through the post.  Not only was there green slime in the envelope, there were rock crystals and silly putty. I am impressed with her creativity and imagination.  The letter that came with the gifts was filled with laughter that would rival any joker.  She was clearly pleased at her cleverness and if I had been the one to think of it first, I would have been pleased with my cleverness.  Her fun foray into correspondence makes me want to be more creative with my communications. 

I have no idea what I am going to do with the slime or the silly putty, but it doesn't matter.  They did their job of making me smile and laugh, when it would have been a really easy day to be grumpy.  High Five Hailey! You rock!