Every year around this time of the year I start the internal debate as to if I have sufficiently acquired enough gifts for those people that I care about. I enjoy giving gifts. I think it is fun. I enjoy seeing the surprise on the persons face when they open something that rocks their socks off. It isn't easy to surprise half the people on my shopping list and most of it requires use of the internet to acquire, unless it is a craft, and then I either go local or do it myself.
I don't want to tell you what to buy a person, because I believe that everyone deserves a little bit of thought when comes to a gift, but I will share with you some of site that I enjoy and have found a few of the odd, interesting and just plain amusing gifts at. (Also the numbers have no significance, other than the fact when I am writing a list I like to use them. It is not a rating system.)
Dib is a fan of ThinkGeek Pillows! |
- I love ThinkGeek, because what ever you passion is, they try to have it. There is everything from Star Trek/Wars to Doctor Who to Game of Thrones. They cover almost anything that has to do with video games and popular television shows, and a lot of other really neat things also. It is geared to a variety of ages, and if you sign up for their email notifications, sometimes you can get some really good deals on shipping.
. TopatoCo
Dib loves putting cat hair on shirts! |
- I love tee shirts, and I love web comics. TopatoCo is a marriage between the two. They do have other things besides tee shirts, but because of my love for tee shirts, that is all I have ever purchased. I can attest that their shirts do not shrink, and that the print does not fade after multiple washings. I know that most people can not give every person a tee shirt, but I then you can certainly fill their shoes with the various buttons, stickers and stuffed animals that they have.
Fred & Friends
Iggins loves shopping online! |
- Weird and Off Beat probably should have been my middle name, but my parents knowing that I would be teased to the ends of the earth if they had actually did that instead of Marie. This site is where I can find all the interesting things that makes some ones stocking buzz or their birthday gift rattle. You know that thing you got from me, it might have been a Fred & Friends product. The beauty of Fred & Friends, is that most of the time you can find their products in those fun off beat stores locally, or if you are really desperate for that free shipping Amazon.
The Literary Gift Company
Iggins approves! |
-This has been described as "The Intelligent Gift store with an Academic Theme". I think this is a fun site for anyone that has a love for reading or writing. There are more than just books on this site, and the wide variety of items that a person can find is refreshing. I will admit that I am very much amused by the bookshelf wrapping paper, and considering that I do get a lot of books for people in general, it it is a little bit of fun to wrap a book in a picture that a book would go. If you have never been to this site, I would say at least check it out. It isn't a cup of tea for everyone, but I know there are at least a dozen or two things that I would love from there.