My go to for gifts is almost always books, because I love books. I love the weight of them. I love the smell of them. I love their stack-ability and their easy wrap-ability. Not to mention, I love getting engrossed in a story and being able to share that with other people. I am pretty sure there is some type of book for everyone. They just don’t know it yet.
I am not going to turn this into a list of books to buy people, because despite the wonderful wrap-ability and stack-ability of books, I do like to mix it up and think outside of the box for gifts. Instead I am going to list 12 non-book idea’s to consider. (Spoiler- 12 book idea’s will be posted in a future post.)
1. Geodes-
Crack them yourself variety. (Fun hands on project that is okay to beat with a hammer. I would include the hammer, but only if the other person really likes you. )
2. Tie-Dye Kit
(There can never be enough tie- dye! What else can you look like your murdered a clown, without actually murdering a clown.)
3. Funky Socks
(Everyone needs socks even, if they don’t’ want to admit it.)
4. Grave Robbers from Outer Space
(This might be one of my favorite games & it is a great stocking stuffer! I might have to do a top 12 games list. There are lots of awesome games out there!)
5. Mushroom Growing Kit
(Even people that can’t grow things can do this. I did it and it was awesome!)
6. Road Trip First Aid Kit
(I know this sounds boring, but there is always that one person that prefers utilitarian gifts and you don’t ever realize you need a first aid kit until it is too late.)
7. Throwing Stars
(Embrace your inner ninja. Do it! I feel like this sells itself and doesn't really need talked up on how awesome and unexpected it is to receive a throwing star.)
8. Head Lamp
(Another one of the practical gifts, but come on, everyone can use a hands free flash light. Think about how the horror movie industry would crumble and fail if people didn't have flashlights to drop in the dark. If it is attached to your head, you can't drop it unless you lose your head! Total win.)
9. Thumb Drives
(Easy, useful and can be found in a wide variety of styles to meet every ones needs. I probably lose as many thumb drives as I actually use.)
10. Cat Bus Plush
(I have been educated by my nieces that everyone loves stuffed animals. I think this one is awesome, but if you aren't into anime at all, then perhaps the Three Toed Sloth plush is a good second choice.)
11. French Press
(Probably one of the most adult recommends I have, but it is useful. It doesn't matter if you are a coffee or a tea drinker or if you are just looking to infuse something. French presses are pretty awesome.)
12. Chia Pet
(Nobody ever expects to get a chia pet. That is what makes them fun.)It was hard not to put my genius ideas that I am implementing this year down in the list, but I am sure some people will recognize some of these awesome gifts from past years. I think that the trick to gift giving is to get them something that you would also like to receive, because it shows that you care.