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Showing posts with label Goats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Goats. Show all posts

Thursday, March 2, 2017

You Goat Mail!

Friends that have a sense of humor are the best.  My dear friend, Steph has one of the best twisted sense of humors that I have ever had the chance to encounter. Not too long ago it was my birthday (we are not talking about my age) and she mailed me a package that she was snickering over for days before it arrived.  Her snickering over it, is enough to cause me some alarm, because I know what sort of packages I send that I snicker over. (You can acquire some really weird stuff, thanks to the internet.)

With trepidation I carefully opened the package and then laughed.  I goat mail. Not just any goat, but the Nubian goat with posable limbs. It is pretty awesome.  He came with a small informational tag about his history as a goat and a willingness to be hugged.  The only thing left is to come up with a suitable name.

I am not the greatest at picking out stuffed animal names.  I just got a small stuffed monkey not too long ago and while I was planning on calling it Mr. Monkey, (totally original) my husband decided that it's name was Vegeta Jr and only refers to it as Vegeta Jr.  Now that we have a goat as part of our family, he has some helpful name ideas.  His suggestions at the moment are: Goatar, Mutton and Gnar. I am still looking for a name and welcoming suggestions.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Exploring the Caverns

Cold winter days are meant for exploring caves. Did you know it is a constant 52 degrees in a cave? Which means it is at least 20 degrees warmer in the cave then it is outside of the cave.  My dad came out for an early Christmas visit, and part of the fun of his visits is the amount of adventures and tourist things we get to go do. 
I love caves.   Indian Echo Caverns is local to me, and I decided that it was a necessary father -daughter bonding experience to visit this cave. The caverns are a fun place to visit and the tour is about 45 minutes at a leisurely pace. I enjoyed the caverns.  One of the unique things about this cavern is that it is still living and growing.   You get the pleasure of seeing formations as they are growing and marvel at have shiny they are with the calcite growth.
My dad has never done a cave tour before, so this was unique experience for him. During the walk down the seventy two steps, my dad joked that he was claustrophobic.  Considering I have done mine tours with him, I know this is not case, but I did chuckle at the couple of low hanging passage ways that caused him to duck.  I enjoyed the tour and even spent some quality time with their goats and feisty old turkey. 
If you are ever in the Hershey area, and looking for something to do other than the amusement park, I would recommend the caverns.  There is enough diversity there to keep the whole family entertained and is open all year long.  Then again, I also like caves, so my opinion may be a little bias. 

Wednesday, November 18, 2015



I am a nice and normal person. Or at least I think I am, but every now and then my brain takes a turn and goes down an alley and I have no idea why.   Some people call it a squirrel moments, because they could be normally doing something and BAM! Oh Look ! A  Squirrel! They are utterly distracted and there isn't any particular trigger.


I have what I am going to call Goat Moments. It is where I can be carrying on a perfectly normal conversation and then all of a sudden a word is going to strike me as funny. Not funny Uh-Oh, but funny Ha-Ha!  This past weekend that word was Goats and I have no idea.  I was puttering around killing time before meeting some friends for lunch/afternoon beers, and I left my coffee cup by the goats and that is all it took/  For some reason the word goats and the way it rolls off of my tongue stuck me as funny.  Funny like it was the best joke I had ever heard.


Funny in a way that I am saying the word goats over and over again in a sing song manner and can't stop laughing at how the word feels as it is uttered. My husband just rolled his eyes as I gasped for air as we left to get beers/ lunch.    Even as I am typing this out, I am saying goats to myself and snickering. It is still funny and it has been a few days since the first goat threw me into a giggling fit.  I have no idea why I find humor in this.  And that is what a Goat Moment is. It is something that is unexplainably funny that comes out of the blue. Maybe some day I will have a better explanation, but that is all I have now. I have goats.
