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Showing posts with label William Holden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label William Holden. Show all posts

Monday, May 5, 2014

Fatale: Death Chases Me

Fatale: Death Chases Me by Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips published by Image was an unexpected delight.  The story is complex, but no so complex that you can't follow it. It is the sort of complex that makes you want to turn the next page and find out what sort of sick twist is going to happen next. 

This is not a series for the queasy and easily offended, since there is a fair amount of murder and mayhem going on among the corruption, lust and lies.  The way that the story line is set up it some times reminds me of the  William Holden's narration in Sunset Boulevard and it other ways it reminds me of House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski with the way it jumps back and forth between the assumed present and the assumed past, with part of it being a story within a story. 

The art in this works very well with style of the story. If makes you feel like you just walked into an 1950's movie, complete with the style and sass of the era.  I am very much looking forward to following this series and can't wait to see what other creatures get pulled from the lore and into this alternate reality and where this blood soak path the femme fatale is going to lead to.