Hannah thought that since she knew it was a DVD and it had her name on it, she should be able to open it. I disagreed at the time and still do, but after listening to a teenagers insistent and somewhat repetitive reasoning I was willing to give a little, even if it was for my own piece of mind. I would let her open the gift wrapped DVD if she could guess what it was. Just like with any guessing game there needed to be clues.
This is where I get to be annoying. I limited it to two clues and she could use the internet (because, let's face it, she was going to do it anyway), but they were not going to be easy clues. I can still remember the way she rolled her eyes and let out an annoyed sigh and then demanded the clues, sure that she would get it right away.
First Clue: The letter "F" is in the title somewhere
Second Clue: Bill Murray
Now we roll around to this year, and spoiler alert, there is another DVD in the stack. I think I might offer the same game to her. Hannah, if you can guess the DVD, you can open it.
First Clue: The letter "M" is in the title somewhere
Second Clue: The writer is related to comics.
I know these aren't awesome clues, mostly because the internet exists, but if Hannah can guess the movie, I'll let her open it. Welcome to the new Christmas tradition. Good luck!
For those that are wondering what she got last year, it was The Fantastic Mr. Fox.