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Showing posts with label Apples to Apples. Show all posts

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Dixit: My Rabbit Likes Mushrooms

Dixit is a beautiful game that if you had to compare it to other games, it would be a cross between Pictionary and Apples to Apples with rabbits mixed in for the fun of it.  I discovered Dixit by watching Table Top with Wil Wheaton. I would highly recommend you to check out the Dixit episode on Table Top if you are a visual learner, because  I am going to explain things quite horribly.  (Not intentionally horribly, but I have come to believe that I am one of those people that can over explain, and therefore half kill any interest in playing. Trust me, watch the video if the below doesn't make any sense to you.) 

Yellow Rabbit Forever!
At the beginning of the game, we picked our rabbits. They are cute little wooden rabbits painted various colors. We had a full six players playing so ever rabbit was utilized.  Part of my inner monologue wants to glue little google eyes on the rabbits, but I don't think they make google eyes that small.  The object is to get your rabbit around the board as many times as possible.  Sounds pretty easy. 

Yummy Mushrooms!
The game board is a pretty path full of flowers and mushrooms with little stepping stones to mark progress.  I think the fact that it is full of mushrooms is the key, because some of us that are not that great at the game have their rabbit sitting on a garden path, eating mushrooms. Wooden rabbits love painted mushrooms.  It is a little known board game fact. Or I just have no talent at having anyone pick my card.  I like to think that my rabbit just likes to eat the mushrooms. 

Vote for me!
The person thats turn it is will pick a card out of their hand and put it face down on the table. They give a clue as to what their card is. Every one else puts a card down for that clue. What ever clue is give, you want vague enough that not everyone will get it, but specific enough that someone will get it. You also have to gage your audience as to how literal they are going to take a clue. Once all the cards are gathered, every one but the clue giver gets to vote on which card they think it is.
Clue: Shinning Light

 For example if I gave the clue Shining Light, most people will put a card down that had to do with light.   The  cards in Dixit are beautiful complex works of art and depending on the clue, the players can put almost anything down.   Here are six random cards where put down for  Shining Light. Almost of all them have some sort of light in them and one of them has the absence of light.  The question for the voters is if the person giving the clue is being literal with the clue Shining Light.  

When playing this game, I find I do better if I don't count of my husband to guess my card.  Despite how well he knows me and I know him, we really suck at guessing each others cards. If it is supposed to be one of those old married people bonds, I might develop it in the next ten years, because these last ten years have done not accomplished it yet. He very rarely guesses my card. My suggestion is to try and model your clues to a friend. It took me half a game to figure that out and my rabbit spent a lot of time eating mushrooms on the path and not going anywhere, because I was giving clues that I thought only he would get, and he didn't and neither did anyone else.  

Literal Shining Light
My card I would have played to that clue would be the man in the clouds. I would figure that everyone would put down something that had a light in it, and putting down something the opposite would give the players a pause and would give me at least one vote, which is all I really needed to make any movement on the board. If every one voters for your card, you get no points because you were to specific. I could hope that one person would vote for my cloudy man,  while everyone else would vote for the  literal Shining Light, which a girl in a with a candle inside a light bulb or possibly hand with the torch. 
My Card

You want people to vote for your card, but not every one to vote for your card in order to get your rabbit to move.  This is a beautiful engaging game, that keeps all of the players involved to the very end.  I would highly recommend this game. It is easy to play and a lot of fun. I look forward to the next time I get to play Dixit and I have even ordered an expansion deck, so that I have more beautiful cards to work with in the future.  Until I receive the expansion deck, I will continue the mental debate on if I should glue google eyes on the rabbits.