Pinterest is an addiction. It is easy to collect cool things and only a small percentage of them you will ever actually utilize. I am super proud of myself, that I actually utilized two of my DYI pins in what I would consider a success.
My friend, Barbie is having a baby. In my vast collections of pins, I had a pattern on how to assemble a relatively easy baby blanket. I was assured by a mutual friend that recently spawned, that you can never have too many baby blankets. It seems that baby blankets are often thrown up upon, urinated on, privacy shield for feedings and are one of the most useful things to have on hand second to bibs. Bibs are the only thing that keeps the drool in check, since babies are constantly salivating for freedom. I had no idea. Cats don't really care about baby blankets and certainly don't want anything to do with bibs.
I liked the baby blanket idea, because it is one of those things that you can really custom to the person. Any one who has spent any sort of time looking for a baby shower gift, will quickly realize that everything is either pink or blue. It is going to be about flowers and cuteness for girls and trucks and robots for boys. It isn't all that helpful if you have a friend that likes to color outside of the lines or has a very particular hobby or collection.
My friend Barbie, loves Nightmare Before Christmas. She has a huge collection of memorabilia related to it, and any child that is going to be raised in her home, is going to be very acquainted with the movie. Collaborating with Gat and Laura, it was decided that we would make three blankets in a Nightmare Before Christmas theme and bibs to match.
The pattern I used for the baby blanket was from and it was called 10 Minute Simple Baby Receiving Blanket Pattern. It may have taken me more than ten minutes to make, mostly because of cats. Any time you have to pin something down on the table and try and make sure it is even, the Dib cat wants to help. He is a super helper cat by wanting to lay on everything. My husband go tired of me complaining about Dib helping, that he locked the Dib cat in the kitchen so I could finish pinning. The sewing really is the easy part. I think that the pinning is the worst part of any project, but also the most necessary. Over all I was very pleased with how the blankets turned out, and Laura even customized one of them by embroidering the baby's name on one of them.
The pattern that I used for the matching bibs was from a reference pin by that gave the dimensions of a baby or toddler bib. I drew out the dimensions on the back side of gift wrap to make the pattern. It wasn't quite perfect, but it turned out decent. I have since pinned a couple more bib patterns to try and perfect it a little more. Most of them call for snaps, or Velcro but I have mixed feelings about it and my comfort level with snaps is no where near me wanting to gift it to someone.
Overall, I would highly recommend giving personalized gifts. They have more meaning, and lets the person you are giving them to, that you cherish them as an individual.