The day after Thanksgiving means lots of things to lots of people. For some people they are trying to recover from the turkey coma or trying to catch up on their NaNoWriMo word count, others get jazzed up about Black Friday Sales Shopping. Black Friday for me means Game Day. I am not a shopper. That is why they make the internet. I am a board gamer.
About a dozen years back or so it was established that the day after Thanksgiving was Game Day or BFGD. Friends pop in throughout the day to roll some dice, count some cards or have mini war games with lovingly painted miniatures. It is probably one of my favorite days of the year. There are so many games to play and hardly ever enough time to do more than a dozen.
I am fond of lists, and hinted in a previous post on a Games List. I am a person on my word. Below are 9 games worth checking out. I like a wide variety of games, and tried to touch upon several game types.
- This is a tile based exploration game that ends in betrayal. You are exploring a dungeon with your trusty friends, and whoever finds the treasure first is corrupted. Your trusty team needs to kill the traitor before they can exit the dungeon and destroy the world.
- Every time I say Dungeon Run, all I can think of is Finn and Jake. This isn’t related to that but just a weird tangent and lots of fun to sing Finn’s dungeon crawl song.
2. Exploding Kittens
- This is a card game of chance and strategy. There are two versions of the game. A family friendly one and a definitely not family friendly one. They are played the same way. It is kind of like a game of war and go fish all rolled into one, but with kittens. Nice quick game for those that don’t have a lot of time.
- If you like the Oatmeal’s humor, I would highly recommend using the non-family friendly deck.
- If you like strategy games, then this game might not be for you. This game is a guessing game, where you have to deduct a person’s card based of their description in among everyone else’s cards that were put down based off that same description. It is all about speculation. The art in this game is beautiful and it is a lot of fun to play.
4. Smash Up
- This is a strategy card game that is a lot of fun and has several expansion packs to it. You are all trying to conquer different locations that are worth different points. You reach the set point value first through conquering, you win. Simple, easy, and can quickly ruin friendships.
- I don’t pay this game that often, because my husband says I have cheat moves. I don’t. I am just friends with robots and aliens and they do my bidding.
- This is a dice and strategy game that I am actually good at. Mostly because you are not expecting me to roll a D6 to try and heal you. It isn’t going to happen. The dice hate me, which is clearly evident when I played Shadows of Brimstone. Anyway, this game is about matching dice to cards that have values and when you get to a certain number you will. Easy, quick fun that is good family fun.
6. Shadows of Brimstone
- If you are looking for an epic adventure game that can go on in several hour long sessions with a posse of friends, this game is for you. There are lots of toggles and jimmies that go with the game and it is a miniature painters dream. It is a lot of fun, and has strategy, dice, cards and group coordination involved.
- Don’t leave me in charge of the dice. I won’t heal you, and will probably give you a cursed item or lose a weapon or change your son into a pig.
- This game is a strategy game where you are a railroad baron trying to get your track down before else gets their track down. It is an easy to pick up family friendly game that will have you gnashing your teeth as you try to complete your routes.
8. Pandemic
- This is a group survival game that I have yet to survive. I have been told it can be done, but have yet to see it. The came combines strategy with chance and is a lot of fun to play.
- Ken- It’s your fault we get yellow fever every time and die. I am not holding a grudge, just stating fact. Yellow Fever!!!
9. Battle of the Electric Vikings
- If you like word games, you will love this game. The purpose of this game is to make heavy metal song titles based off of randomly drawn tiles. It is a little like scrabble, that you have to connect to tiles together, but no spelling is necessary, just your best growly throaty metal voice.
Grave Robbers from Outer Space is not on the list, because my husband informed me that it is out of print, but they have a Version 3 that is available. I haven’t checked it out, so I don’t know if they changed anything. Happy Black Friday Game Day!