Dr. Strange - Love it.
IF you a re a looking for a serious review of Dr. Strange, this post is not for you. I am not going to talk about the awesome special effects. I am not going to talk about Benedict Cumberbatch's high cheek bones. I am not going to talk about how the movie related to the comic book series. There are plenty of other people out there that can do that much more eloquently than me.
Instead, I am going to talk about the stupid mental funny that happened as a result of a combination of Cher, Daylight Savings Time and Dr Strange, that I am currently torturing my husband with . At work a couple of my coworkers were talking about Turning Back Time and getting a bit more sleep. This turn of phrase of course made me think of the Cher song, If I Could Turn Back Time. Off the top of my head I can sing the first two or three lines of the song in a ridiculously dramatic scare the cat fashion, and I am hard pressed to remember any of the other lines. I am refusing to look up the rest of the words to that song, because it is better this way and infinitely more annoying to every one else.
Not to give too much away, but there is some time and space manipulation in Dr. Strange. And now you are probably wondering what this is all leading up to. Picture this; Dr. Strange dancing around with his cape, Fred Astaire style singing "If I could turn back time..." The mental funny behind it, is cracking me up to no end. I am pretty sure his cape would dip and twirl him as Dr. Strange belts out his love. My husband is trying to ignore me belting out half of a late 80's chart topper every couple of minutes and snickering to myself. The best part of being married is having that one perfect person to annoy. :)