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Showing posts with label Steps. Show all posts

Thursday, March 2, 2017

You Goat Mail!

Friends that have a sense of humor are the best.  My dear friend, Steph has one of the best twisted sense of humors that I have ever had the chance to encounter. Not too long ago it was my birthday (we are not talking about my age) and she mailed me a package that she was snickering over for days before it arrived.  Her snickering over it, is enough to cause me some alarm, because I know what sort of packages I send that I snicker over. (You can acquire some really weird stuff, thanks to the internet.)

With trepidation I carefully opened the package and then laughed.  I goat mail. Not just any goat, but the Nubian goat with posable limbs. It is pretty awesome.  He came with a small informational tag about his history as a goat and a willingness to be hugged.  The only thing left is to come up with a suitable name.

I am not the greatest at picking out stuffed animal names.  I just got a small stuffed monkey not too long ago and while I was planning on calling it Mr. Monkey, (totally original) my husband decided that it's name was Vegeta Jr and only refers to it as Vegeta Jr.  Now that we have a goat as part of our family, he has some helpful name ideas.  His suggestions at the moment are: Goatar, Mutton and Gnar. I am still looking for a name and welcoming suggestions.