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Showing posts with label Ark. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ark. Show all posts

Saturday, May 17, 2014

We All Live In A Yellow Submarine

It is raining. Not a little bit of rain but the sort of rain that makes you wonder if you need to build an ark and flood warnings have gone out hours ahead of time.  It has slowed down at work just a smidgen and because of this and everyone is a little punch drunk silly from a long work week. Two of my cubicle mates from behind me joke about how they needed a submarine to get to work. Maybe it was the word submarine, or the fact that you shouldn't joust with standing water in your car, not entirely sure what started it, but one of them starts singing “We All Live in a Yellow Submarine” and then the other joins in. One of the voices is sweet high and bubbly and the other deeper, slightly out of tune. 
Just for a moment it brings me out of the bland gray walls of my cubicle and back to a time when I was stuck in traffic with my mom and high school chum on the way to a band competition. There was nothing to see, but fields on either side of us and stand still cars in front and behind us on the road. My mom is a big Beatles fan and had one of their greatest hits CD in the car. That song came on, and we sang it at the top of our lungs with the windows rolled down and hit repeat and did it again and again until traffic started moving. By the end of the car ride we were laughing so hard that we had tears leaking out of the sides of our eyes and we were gasping for breath.
My work life might be crazy and my private life is sometimes swinging off the chandelier in all different directions, but just having that moment of Deja vu of a the goods times can take a potentially hectic day and calm it down just a little bit.