Reader Request: Yo My Goodness Fro-Yo

My friend Molly asked me to review Yo My Goodness. Yo My Goodness is a fro-yo chain that just opened up a location on Wydown, not far from Wash U, this past spring, when Chill closed. I reviewed the Yo My Goodness Yummy Yellow Cake Batter Flavor here. However, this was a review of just one flavor, not really the whole experience. As any avid fro-yoer (is some one who yo-yos at a fro-yo place a fro-yo-yoer??) will tell you, fro-yo is not just about the flavors, or just the textures, or just the toppings, but the whole experience. So how do I go about reviewing a froyo place for it's entire experience? I've decided there are a few categories with which I can evaluate the fro-yo experience:
1) The variety of flavors: Is there a good selection?
2) The flavor of my choices.
3) The quality of the combination of my choices.
4) The texture of the fro-yo (or sorbet, etc.)
5) The variety of toppings.
6) Quality of toppings
7) How well my toppings coordinate with my fro-yo flavors.
8) Over all experience.

I love the fun decor of Yo My Goodness

It is probably obvious, dearest reader, that if numbers 3, 7, and 8 are partially influenced by the choices I make. However, a good fro-yo place will have enough variety and the right line up of flavors and toppings so that most people have the opportunity to construct a fro-yo to their liking, no matter how weird, traditional, chocolatey, or fruity their tastes for combinations may be.

I'll try to go through my categories as quickly as possible.
1) I've not really been impressed with the variety of flavors available at Yo My Goodness. This time there were three different chocolate flavors. Really?! You couldn't throw something else in there? However, they also have custard and some not dairy flavors which adds some nice variety.
2) I chose Brownie Batter, Blueberry (non dairy), and Cheesecake. The Brownie Batter was nice, but could have been more batter-y and less chocoaltey, if you see what I mean. The Blueberry flavor was almost too strong for my liking. The Cheesecake was reallllyyy good. Just like with cake batter flavors, sometimes Cheesecake ice creams and froyos can taste artificial. This one did not. The flavor was distinct, but subdued, and absolutely wonderful, just like the Yummy Yellow Cake Batter Flavor.
3) Because the Blueberry was so strong it didn't blend well with the Brownie Batter, but it was okay with the Cheesecake. The Brownie Batter and the Cheesecake went really nicely together!
4) The texture of the two fro-yos was soooo smooth and wonderful, no icy-ness at all. The non-dairy blueberry was pretty good, much creamier than sorbet, but very icey compared to "hard" ice cream non-dairy flavors you can buy in the store.
5) The variety of toppings is, in my opinion, the strongest aspect of Yo My Goodness. They have every candy and fruit you could want and they have candies I have never seen before! A+
6) From what I've noticed at Yo My Goodness, the fruit is always fresh, and the candy chunks aren't too big or too small. Also my brownie bits (read more below) were really dense, chewey and moist, not dry at all.
7) I think my choice of toppings was pretty great. I got gummy bears, as always to pick out of the fro-yo and eat on their own. These were tropical flavored and deelicious. I also got strawberries, brownie bits, white chocolate chips, and these little black and white sweet crispy bites they have that I think are chocolate flavored, but I don't know what they are called. I really liked how the brownie bits intensified the Brownie Batter fro-yo. I also like the combo of the white chocolate chips and the Cheesecake fro-yo. Lastly, the strawberries with the Blueberry and Cheesecake made for a nice berry cheesecake feel.
8) Overall Yo My Goodness is a pretty good ice cream shop. The unique toppings and not artificial tasting flavors make it stand out from other fro-yo shops. However, a wider variety of flavors would really take it to the next level.


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