
Showing posts with the label vanilla sandwich creme cookies

Three Twins Lemon Cookie

My first experience with Three Twins was with the flavor Butterscotch Pecan.  It was good, but I was severely disappointed by the lack of butterscotch flavor.  I love butterscotch, so when and ice cream promised me butterscotch and failed to deliver, I was disappointed. Lizzy convinced me to give the brand another try, so recently I picked up Lemon Cookie.  This ice cream is Lemon ice cream with vanilla sandwich cream cookies. Crooked lid! As Lizzy mentioned before  in her review of this flavor, it's as if our father owned this ice cream company.  Seriously, I cannot comprehend the depths with which that man loves vanilla sandwich cookies.  I mean, they're good, but wow.  All Three Twins needs now is a Circus Animal Cookie flavor and my dad's life would be complete! The lemon base was divine.  It was tart but not sour, with enough sweetness to balance everything out.  It tasted like the creamiest lemon bars you've ever tasted....

Three Twins: Lemon Cookie

I have been a big fan of Three Twins ever since I had their Chocolate Orange Confetti way back in the early days of this blog. Can you believe our blog is almost a year old? I can hardly believe it! What is harder for me to believe is that is has been almost a year since I've had any Three Twins ice cream. Paralyzed by indecision and existential crisis.  For my long spring break weekend, I decided to stop at Whole Foods in St. Louis and get some Three Twins ice cream. I have heard lots of awesome things about Three Twins' Lemon Cookie so I knew I had to get that. However, I struggled over what to get for my second pint. There are so many brands besides Three Twins at Whole Foods that I don't see other places. Then I had a crisis which I had frequently where I realize I will die before I have the opportunity to try and review every  flavor of ice cream in the world. Before I actually broke down sobbing in the middle of a grocery store surrounded snobby hipsters that ...