Luna and Larry's Coconut Bliss Chocolate Hazelnut Fudge
This review is a little unique as it's actually two reviews in one ... but of the same product. Review 1: Oh my god this was the most frustrating ice cream experience I've ever had, but this is most likely due to what I'll call 'user error.' Last week I stopped at Whole Foods after a dance class and picked up a pint of Luna and Larry's Coconut Bliss Chocolate Hazelnut Fudge. I took the bus home, so this pint was out of the freezer for ~35 minutes. I stuck it in the freezer as soon as I got home. The next day I grabbed the pint to scoop myself a bowl. If you're a frequent non-dairy ice cream consumer, you know that you frequently have to let non-dairy ice creams temper before they're soft enough to scoop. This is just due to the nature of the ingredients. So, I let the pint temper for 5 minutes and tried to scoop it. Solid as a rock. So I let it sit for 5 more minutes. Solid as a rock. Ten more minutes; same thing. I fin...