
Showing posts with the label southern sweet corn

Clementine's Southern Sweet Corn

The fourth Clementine's flavor I tried was Southern Sweet Corn. I know Jeni's has a flavor with corn, which I do hope to try sometime. Ever since I saw the Jeni's flavor I have been interested in trying a corn ice cream. On first thought, corn ice cream kind of sounds ewwwwy. Like who wants vegetables in their ice cream? On second thought, is corn a even vegetable or is it a grain? On third thought, corn bread with honey on it is tasty and so is creamed corn, so, yeah, I think corn could work in a sweet dairy context. When I first opened this pint, I was kind of disappointed. Every other pint of Clementine's I have tried I audibly ooooohed and ahhhhed when I caught my first glimpse. My disappointment in this instance stemmed from the lack of actual corn kernels. I was hoping for corn kernels. Oh well, this is still a pretty color. When I take my first bite, yep, I taste corn. But the flavor is not strong. As you keep eating, the sweet cream flavor almost takes o...