
Showing posts with the label snow caps

Yotopia: Chocolate, Vanilla, and Peppermint

So far, late fall in Iowa City has meant temperatures in the mid 30s to low 50s. Even thought I know I am terribly, terribly wrong, I'm currently pretending winter in Iowa City will resemble late fall. With this current delusion of mine, I am fully embracing winter and getting on board the peppermint frozen dairy train. My class on Tuesdays gets out at 6:20, but the next bus I can catch doesn't come until 7. I'm a terribly stereotypically midwesterner, and if I don't get dinner by 5:30 at the latest, I'm a famished wreck. This past week, I did not pack enough snacks, so after my Tuesday class I was starving. As opposed to hangrily doing work in my office for 40 minutes, I decided to go to Yotopia. Best life decisions involve frozen dairy. Although my fruit concoctions at Yotopia have been fabulous, it is far past time I make a desserty concoction, so seasonal peppermint it is! I decided to pair the peppermint with classics chocolate and vanilla. I topped my ...