Froz Broz Black Sea Salt Malt

Alex's recent review of Froz Broz Black Lager Candied Pretzel really pushed me to get my butt in gear to finally write a review of my second Froz Broz flavor, Black Sea Salt Malt. One reason I put it off is because I'm supremely lazy. The other is because I have some pretty complicated feelings about this flavor and I needed some time to process them. There's not really a description of this ice cream on the Froz Broz website, but I suggest you go read their blog post about. This flavor has some pretty cool origins, it was created for the launch party of a book written by a friend of the Froz Broz. The description is pretty straightforward from the name though. When Alex and I ventured to Froz Broz there were three flavor options. Toasted Grits and Maple Syrup sounded the most delicious, so we both picked up a pint. I foisted Black Lager Candied Pretzel off on Alex because it was the less weird sounding of the remaining two ...