
Showing posts with the label italian strawberry

Izzy's Italian Strawberry and Lemon Basil Sorbet

It was 70 degrees Fahrenheit in Minneapolis on Novemebr 3, 2015.  Let me repeat that.  It was 70 degrees Fahrenheit in Minneapolis on November 3, 2015.  What!? I couldn't believe it.  Early in the day I decided I wasn't going to do any work and instead spend some time outside.  What better way to spend time outside then to walk to the ice cream parlor, eat ice cream outside, and then walk back to school.  I even tricked a few of my friends into Tuesday afternoon delinquency! When we got to Izzy's I saw they were offering Lemon Basil sorbet, a flavor I'd been eying on the website, but had yet to see in the scoop shop.  I tried a sample and immediately decided I would get some.  I love Izzy's ice cream so much that I didn't want to get a full scoop of sorbet and not get ice cream, so I decided to get the Lemon Basil as my Izzy scoop.  Now I just had to decide what to get for my main flavor.  Such struggle! Much tribulation! What will I ...