
Showing posts with the label waffle sundae

Serendipity Homemade Ice Cream: Ice Cream for Breakfast Day

This past Saturday was Ice Cream for Breakfast Day, a very made up holiday . This holiday is celebrated the first Saturday in February and recently has been gaining in popularity. This year in St. Louis THREE different ice cream shops, Jilly's Ice Cream Bar, I Scream Cakes, and Serendipity Homemade Ice Cream, were celebrating the occasion. I was having a really difficult time deciding which event to go to. If there had only been two events I might have tried to hit both, but with three I decided I might as well pick one. I have been to Jilly's a number of times because it is really close to where all my St. Louis friend live, so I decided to pass on that. Either Serendipity or I Scream Cakes need some Big Muddy love. I ended up going with Serendipity for two reasons. One, they were giving away free mugs if you wore your pajamas to their event. I love mugs, especially free ones, and I'll take any excuse to wear PJs in public (still disappointed that my school has not h...