
Showing posts with the label cookie dough brownie

Farr Better Cookie Dough Brownie Frozen Custard

Today I have a review of a new-to-me brand, Farr Better Frozen Custard.  I did a bit of research into this company and it seems they have scoop shops and wholesale and started in Ogden, Utah, but their website isn't great so information is a bit hard to track down.  Either way, this is more evidence to support my claim that Utah has a great but totally unknown and unappreciated ice cream scene. There were lots of interesting and delicious sounding Farr's flavors at the grocery store, but Cookie Dough Brownie really called my name.  This is Cookie dough flavored custard with brownie bits and cookie dough pieces. Ice cream glamour shot. Guys.  Seriously.  Utah. Is. Slaying. The. Ice. Cream. Game.  And nobody knows! Or maybe people know and I just didn't know.  I like cookie dough ice cream, but I've never loved it.  I always felt like it was missing something, and I think that something is brownies.  Ben and Jerry's has their iconic...