
Showing posts with the label So Delicious Dairy Free

So Delicious Coconut Milk Frozen Dessert Cookie Dough

My favorite thing about the So Delicious line of non-dairy frozen desserts is that they make flavors with all of the different non-dairy bases. There is a lot of debate in the ice cream world about what non-dairy milk makes the best ice cream base. But with So Delicious, everyone can just have their fav, with no debates. They have some stellar cashew milk bases (which is under utilized as a non-dairy ice cream base imo), so I thought I'd check out a coconut milk base. This flavor is described as Vanilla coconut milk based, dairy-free frozen dessert packed with scrumptious cookie dough chunks and crispy chocolate flakes.  Often coconut milk is a popular base because the coconut flavor can be concealed. In this case, the coconut flavor was very prominent. It was like a coconut base with a hint of vanilla flavor. Now, I don't think this is a terrible thing, but if you don't think cookie dough and coconut will vibe well together, you will be disappointed. Other tha...

So Delicious Cashew Milk Non-Dairy Frozen Dessert Dark Chocolate Truffle

While Madeline is over there in MN getting all the new for 2017 stuff, I'm over here kind of underwhelmed, to be honest, with the concept of Ben & Jerry's pint slices. I'll try them when they hit my grocery store, but I'm hoping they up the ante for whatever else they release in 2017. So in the meantime, I'm working my way through So Delicious's Cashew Milk line and continuing to play my tune that cashew milk is the superior milk for non-dairy ice cream. This flavor, Dark Chocolate Truffle, is described as A fair trade cocoa decadence folded with fudge and premium shaved chocolate. "Decadence"   and "folded" are both really good food words. However, I didn't think this flavor lived up to its luscious description. The base was good. This was the first time I'd had a chocolate based cashew milk ice cream. If you don't like being able to taste the cashew normally, I recommend the chocolate base. The strong cocoa flav...

So Delicious Cashew Milk Non-Dairy Frozen Dessert Snickerdoodle

Last winter I tried one of the then new-ish So Delicious Cashew Milk ice creams. After I published the review, a lactose intolerant friend of mine very excitedly told me I should try the Snickerdoodle flavor. Some how, getting around to this reader request kept getting pushed to the bottom of my ice cream to-do list. It's also been too long since I've reviewed a vegan ice cream, so woohoo here we go~~ In my opinion, vegan ice cream raises some important ontological questions. Because obviously ice cream should be at the center of any good ontological question as Reddit proved to us a few years back: If everything is or isn't ice cream, what is vegan ice cream? I'll just let that one sit for a bit and get back to the more important stuff, reviewing ice cream. This flavor is described as A cinnamon delight loaded with chunks of gluten-free snickerdoodle cookie doug...

New-to-Me Brand Alert: So Delicious Cashew Milk Non-Dairy Frozen Dessert

Man, this blog has done a poor job with the dairy free reviews. For whatever reason, I think I ate a lot more dairy free ice cream before I started blogging, so I continue to think we've reviewed more dairy free products than we have. So I will continue to work on correcting this egregious error with a review of a relatively new product! Cashew milk is the newest non-dairy milk craze. First it was soy, then almond, then coconut, and now cashew. As each milk has risen to popularity, an ice cream has followed. To be honest, I love cashew milk. If it were a better source of protein I would drink it all the time.  I think it is so creamy and tasty. Cashews also work great for vegan desserts and cheeses, which old school vegans have known for a while. I've had cashew "cheesecake" which was pretty good and I've made a "cookie dough" cashew nut butter which was to die for. So my hopes were high for this new line of cashew milk ice cream form So Delicious,...