
Showing posts with the label Chocolate Fudgiscle

Black Dog Gelato: Chocolate Fudgiscle

Wow Madeline has really been killing it with the number of posts these last few days. I feel like a slacker. Gosh, what have I been doing with all my time? Well I'm about to get really real with you dear reader, I don't review every ice cream I eat. Sometimes I just feel like mindlessly shoveling ice cream in my face and not really thinking about how good it is or isn't. Because lets be honest, it's ice cream, it tastes good, and it's fun to mindlessly shovel in your face. Also sometimes, I forget to bring my camera or something. Also if I actually wrote a post about each and every ice cream I ate I would do nothing else with my life. And although write now I basically run and eat ice cream and do nothing all day, I will soon have a job and, you know, have things to do with my time other than write this blog. Until you, dear readers, start paying me to write this (which I would love), I'll have to keep this AmeriCorps gig. (Although with this "job" I d...