Yotopia: Honey Lavender and Tart
Man, what a crazy week this has been. I've done a lot of going out with friends, because that's the life of a graduate student in the summer! Take advantage of the free time while you've got it. And by free time I simply mean a schedule even more flexible than normal, but just let me pretend that the Netflixing and going out I've been doing is warranted. However, not a lot of my going out has involved ice cream eating, so I feel like my reviews have been coming a little slowly as of late. Luckily, one night this past week included going to Yotopia after getting dinner with some friends! The main purpose of this trip was to convince one of my friends that Yotopia is way better than Aspen Leaf. I got quite a few eye rolls as I expounded upon the wonders of the local dairy and no powdered mixes used to make Yotopia's froyo, but then again, the taste of Yotopia's froyo speaks quite nicely for itself. It's a little heart breaking that they misspelled "l...