
Showing posts with the label toasted almond

Talenti Toasted Almond

Being somewhat of a completionist, it is my goal to try every Talenti flavor ever.  And every Ben and Jerry's flavor.  And every Haagen-Dazs flavor.  And every Graeter's flavor. And ever flavor of ice cream in the world ever.  I have a spreadsheet and I check off flavors after I try them. The thought that I won't be able to try every flavor ever keeps me up at night. Because of this compulsion, I keep a mental list of what I like to call 'Unicorn flavors.'  Specifically, these are flavors in the permanent line-up of a decently well-known and widely available brand that I just never, ever, ever see in stores.  Some of them, like Talenti Simply Strawberry, make no sense.  I mean, strawberry is a pretty standard flavor, it should be available everywhere Talenti is sold.  Others like Haagen-Dazs Green Tea (although this seems to be making a surge lately), make a little more sense.  Green Tea is not a super popular or well-known flavor among th...