Showing posts with label year of the sheep. Show all posts
Showing posts with label year of the sheep. Show all posts

Friday, January 2, 2015

A Different Perspective

I've finally succumbed to the dreaded crud going around so decided to just post a few more photos from feeding the other morning and go fix myself another cup of tea.  As I was scrolling through the pictures though, my first thought was how sadly monochrome everything looked. 

Well, that's winter for you I guess, but Hank always brightens things up, right? 

I walked down to talk to him about his plans for the day...

...and when I turned around, look, there was blue sky there all along!  And Kate, always waiting patiently :-).

PPPP (the lamb from the bookmark :-)

Beanie  Baby

Renny and Lila, the big girls!

And Hank, who frequently turns around to get a better perspective.

*     *     *     *     *

So, my "exciting news" the other day was just that 2015 is going to be the Year of the Sheep (or goat or ram).  I thought that was exciting enough, but as I read through all your guesses, I realized I was under-thinking things (that's unusual coming from the queen of over-thinking!) and needed a different perspective.

There are some great ideas on that list!  Some just wishes and dreams, but others could really happen. Of course, the "inheritance from a distant, but rich relative" would help many of them :-D.

  • No babies for Maisie!  Or me!  We are just fat, not pregnant, and neither of us would be good mothers I'm pretty sure :-o.
  • Hank would probably like a mini-me, but that's not in the plan for another year or so at least.
  • I am looking forward to learning new stuff with Kate :-).
  • More fiber stuff - definitely!
  • More giveaways - can do!
  • Overseas trip - would love to, but...
  • More land - I'd love to buy the opposite back hillside and re-incorporate it back into the original farm, but I'm not aware of any distant, but rich relatives...
  • Free vehicle - I like your thinking!
  • More help (a farm club) - again, I like your thinking, but I'm not sure I need one more thing to figure out, although...when I look at what Meridian Jacobs does, it really looks like fun!
  • Knitting overlooking the Green Mountains?  Sigh :-)
  • Nope, no interest in sheep trials, but there's a lot of neat work Kate can help with right here on the farm :-).
  • Sadly, Handy is irreplaceable :-(
  • A book?  I think I might like to try that...but having trouble "picking up that first rock".
  • Photography projects - of course!  Something for charity - absolutely!  Any good ideas?
  • Feature in a fabulous knitting/fiber arts magazine - I think that should be a good goal or at least get some more photos published.  That's quite a rush to see your photo on a magazine cover!
  • More energy this year - would LOVE that :-D.
  • A new tractor/vehicle for the farm - we are actually working on that one!  Again, the distant, but rich relative would sure come in handy...
  • A llama - no.  I'm scared of llamas for some reason (?) and I think Hank would not be thrilled about that either even though they can be good guardians.
  • More teaching - yep, some plans already in the works :-).
  • Riding lessons - definitely looking forward to more of those!

I think I hit most of the highlights from your list.  Definitely food for thought there and you have no idea how much I appreciate all the encouragement!  Thank you!!!  Here are a few other things I'm thinking about...

  • Maybe start trying to sell some photographs?  
  • More painting throughout the year, not just at Christmas!
  • I have an awesome work spot right here on the farm.  Why am I not out there taking advantage of that more???  There definitely needs to be more fiber work going on!
  • I love the mug shots and think they would really work well on actual coffee mugs, but I am having trouble finding someone that will print multiple images all the way around the mug.  I might be over-thinking that one.
  • More Lamb Camp photos (that's way better than "lose weight and eat healthy", eh? :-D). Maybe a coffee table book is a good place to start?
  • I've got notes running on a Hank story if anyone wants to repeatedly kick me in the posterior to actually get it started!
  • Is there any interest in some small on-farm workshops - photography, fleece processing, spinning...?
  • What else?

Okay, I'd better get busy or none of this is going to happen!  Without further ado, if you've made it down to the bottom of this looong post (remember how I said I just wanted to do a quick one? ;-), picked Lisa Smith.  Lisa, would you like the first box of the 2014 Christmas cards?


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