Showing posts with label qiviut. Show all posts
Showing posts with label qiviut. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I'm On It!

Several years ago I sold my Ashford Table Loom on eBay. I should never have done that, but I was trying to finance an eight harness Baby Mac and thought that was the logical thing to do. I miss that loom :-(. Little did I know as we were trying to arrange the shipping (she lives in Alaska!) that she would become one of my favorite people and here we are again, now shipping a spinning wheel back and forth. She has asked me to paint all sorts of fiber animals around the wheel and treadle of her Ashford Traditional.

Okay, sounds fun.

"I'll trade you native Alaska qiviut blended with silk."

I'm on it!

Let me just tell you, this stuff is so soft that you can't really even feel it when you touch it. It feels like air...but softer.

It's even softer than the boy wonder.

But he's cuter ;-).


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