Remember the chicken who likes to sleep out in the sheep stall, up on the tall shelf? The one who needs some help getting up there each night? She's still out there and I just love to watch the sheep team up each night to help her get safely to bed.
Daniel seems to be a favorite spring board, but Boudreaux is a good choice as long as he's already had dinner. If he has to choose between helping a chicken or pushing his way up to the "table" in the aisleway, the chicken is on her own!
I didn't realize she was in mid climb one night and called the "dinner crowd". Boudreaux came in from the outside stall, through the inside stall, with the chicken riding along. She jumped from his back onto Daniel's (who's not an old guy needing some extra food, much to his dismay ;-) and he then walked out to the shelf and stood there until she was able to jump/fly up.
I've been trying to remember to get a video of this ever since. Something sweet like that happens nearly every night, but usually so fast that by the time I notice what's going on, it's too late. I will get it eventually. Here are a few quick phone shots from other night. The sheep of choice this particular evening started out as Baby Belly.
You can see that as they are the only sheep in the barn, this is a deliberate attempt to work together to help their chicken friend, not just a "oh this one happened to be handy". That's Spud facing the wall.
I'm not sure if Baby Belly was too close to the wall maybe or possibly just not tall enough, but the chicken couldn't make the jump.
It sure looks to me like the two sheep are conferring about what to do. Spud must have told the chicken to change sheep.
And now watch him head over to the wall.
And the next thing you know, she's up on her perch. I tried to take a mid-flight picture, but it was too dark and too blurry.
Must. Remember. Video. Camera.