I know you'll want to hear more about this.
Friday, December 6, 2024
Solstice Sheep Of The Day - Mini Moose
Thursday, July 27, 2023
2023 Tour De Fleece Wrap Up
The red is the yarn from Blaze, my friend's sheep. The dark gray is Tessa. The creamy white is Ellie.
Thursday, May 12, 2022
Keep Those Cards And Letters Coming
Friday, January 28, 2022
Snow Angels
Thursday, January 20, 2022
No Words
Cheeto and B. Willard
2011 and 2010 - January 20, 2022
Friday, December 31, 2021
December was a blur...but it was a pretty darn decent blur.
Thursday, December 9, 2021
The 2022 Calendars
The calendar is late going to print this year. Another hard one in the books for sure, though once again I found comfort in looking back through the photos I'd collected over the year, many of which I knew at the time would be the last ones I'd take.Having three dogs over the age of 15 was not for the faint of heart. Neither is trying to raise a puppy it turns out. Bea only "keeps our feet warm" when she runs herself completely out of gas and has to rest and recharge. She gets high points for entertainment though...most of the time, but I sure wish Comby was still here to bust her cat chasing chops. Possum is far too polite.As always a special thanks to Saint Tim for doing all the hard work and heavy lifting and a grateful thank you to all of you who have become such an important part of our farm family. Your care and kindness is appreciated more than you can imagine. Here's to a new year!
Thursday, August 5, 2021
July was a hard month...but we are all still here. As I finally worked on my month end compilation I kept coming across pictures I'd taken for blog posts. Stories I wanted to share...and just didn't. I'm going to try to return to them. They are good memories. There have been some bad memories too...but they deserve sharing as well.
Thursday, July 1, 2021
The Month End
I'm not really sure why I take all these pictures. I mean, the sunrises are beautiful, but do I need to document all of them? Or pictures of the Cheeto and Willard. They all look mostly the same, honestly. Possum has so many bed pictures I had to pick only a few favorites to keep the video from being even longer.
The lambs at least grow and change and I like the series of pictures of me petting Christopher, Maggie coming over to see why I'd be talking to any other lamb but her and then turning to the camera as if in disbelief before curling up in the now empty spot after she told Christopher to get lost. Christopher talking to Lancelot is cute as well.
I probably have taken a hundred pictures of Salt in the driveway. I can't even begin to count Kate and Tilly pictures over the years. If I need a good laugh, I love to go back and look at Maisie pictures or that crazy video of Liddy getting stuck in the shearing chute. I love to get prompts that takes me to an old picture of Buddy or Comby or Hank or Keebler or Lila or...
This morning one of my favorite Instagram follows @springcoyoteranch posted
"Shepherds love to capture a “perfect” moment even if it’s for nobody else to see. There’s a certain feeling of peace you get looking at the sheep. Soaking in all the details of a scene…sheep grazing contentedly, the sun rising or setting over them, mothers and lambs, a favorite ewe gazing back at you in a knowing way. For a fleeting moment all of your hard work is manifest in pure joy and satisfaction. Looking back at old photos, I catch that feeling again for just a little bit."
I love looking back at these old photos. There is a lot I want to remember this every month.
Tuesday, June 15, 2021
Gate Runners
Wednesday, June 2, 2021
Sunday, May 2, 2021
...And Then This Happened
Wednesday, April 21, 2021
Well This, Then...
...and then this happened 12 hours later :-o.
Lamb or freak April snow...tough call ;-). Lamb first; snow post tomorrow!
She and her mom, Short Round, are hanging out in Easy Breezy and after only a little bit of eye rolling from Cheeto and B. Willard, everyone is quite happy...especially me :-).