Showing posts with label space ship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label space ship. Show all posts

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Snow Warriors

This was just a split second standing still shot, but I have to laugh at how those two silly boys look like they are the bravest of warriors standing tall as a huge attacker charges their way.

Really, Levi was just bouncing around in front of them trying to get them to play tag or chase or whatever sheep play when they don't have a space ship to defend.

This is a new puzzle!  I hope you have as much working it as Mini Moose had creating it :-D.

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And a fun snow video from yesterday.  That's Big Moose chewing over the background music :-).

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Of Course She Is

Here are a few more shots from Andy's integration day.  I was so sad to not find a good shot of Kate for the calendar this year.  Calendar pictures need to be the right direction (horizontal, not vertical), sharp, good color, interesting composition, high resolution...  I think we've got one for next year!

Kate goes everywhere with me, especially if there are sheep involved...which there almost always are ;-). Her motto is "I can help you with that!"  When I let the main flock into Graham and Andy's paddock the other day, I went in with them to make sure no one tried to modify the borrowed "space ship".  Kate followed me in, but I didn't notice that because I was busy taking pictures.

I don't have much true stock dog experience.  Iris and I figured out more things than I thought we did over the years, but I definitely need more training.  Letting Kate follow me into a paddock full of sheep, while accidentally setting up a nice photo, might be a big no-no.  Not paying attention to my dog in the first place is probably even a bigger no-no.  A dog not as good as Kate would probably teach me that lesson the hard way ;-).

However, to me (again, remember I am definitely no expert), if I turn around and see that my dog has followed me somewhere, but is laying down waiting patiently while I'm goofing off not paying attention, that's not just a pretty calendar shot.  I think that means she's a great dog and I am so honored for the opportunity to get to learn from her.  I am looking forward to stepping up my game this year!

We all sat out there in the paddock for a good while letting everyone get acquainted.  Being a cocky young punk, Andy got a fair sampling of who would send him flying if he got too friendly (Rebecca Boone) and who would make some good new friends for him (the boys).  When I was ready to clear them out of there, Kate was up in an instant.

"I can help you with that!"

We had to make an emergency run to Florida this weekend.  My mother is in the hospital down there and needed someone to come get their two dogs and cat who were traveling with them.  I left a note for our farm sitter explaining how to use Kate to set hay out for the sheep.  "Open the stall door. She knows what to do."  I got a text the next morning, "Kate's awesome!"  She really is :-).

*     *     *     *     *

Here's a new puzzle and a new puzzle tip.  If you click the puzzle piece at the bottom right of the frame it takes you to the same puzzle, but on the puzzle site.  There, if you click "play as", you can change the number of pieces to make it easier or harder, depending on your mood.  Have fun and stay warm!

Thursday, December 31, 2015


"I think it'll fly."

B. Willard's been wanting in on the space ship action for awhile.  He, Murphy and Baaxter gave the "sheep camp" a good check.  And Andy just thought that was a fancy water trough...  He'll learn ;-).

This was my home away from home during the remodel.  The Jeff Foxworthy underpinning was for the couple nights it got in the 20's.  Luckily most of the late fall/into winter was super warm so the living was easy and I was actually sort of sad to move back home.  

Parked next to the barn, I could hear Graham and Petunia's bells chiming any time I woke up during the night.  I'd hear coyotes off in the distance, here Hank's "reply" and go right back to sleep.  Rain on the roof was a treat as well.  It was just like camping, but with a furnace, hot running water, a computer and a coffee pot :-).  

The remodel is basically done.  We are finishing a couple small projects and I have some painting to do.  I've  been waiting for some sunshine (natural light) to take some pictures, but I'm beginning to wonder...  I'll try to get some pictures this afternoon regardless.  It should will all be straightened up before the new year starts.

What are your new year "superstitions"?

Friday, January 30, 2015

Oh No, The Space Ship Is Snowbound!

One last snow post. We sure enjoyed it while it lasted :-).

"There's no way this will ever take off with all this snow."

"Start eating!"

"You gonna be able to dig us out, Maisie?"

"Yeah, I about got it."

"Yikes!  I didn't know you rode ON the space ship!"

"Maisie, the space ship flies up in the air.  You don't need to dig the gate out."

They ate as much snow as fast as they could.

Munch, munch, munch down the railing, but it was no use.

"I think we're gonna have to wait til spring, Woody."

"I told you all that at the beginning!"

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Frightful Only Begins To Describe It ;-)

"Hey, let's go somewhere in the space ship!"

"Wait a minute, where's Baaxter?"

"I don't know."

"Oh, he's down there being a momma's boy.  We can fly without him."

"Uh oh, she's spotted us."

"Just act natural."

"Nothin' to see here..."

"Okay, I think the coast is clear.  Go ahead and load up."

"Hey, stupid Border Collie!  We're going to fly away on the space ship!"

"Yeah, you won't be able to boss us around in outer space! Hahaha!"

"This is the dumbest bunch of sheep I have ever seen."

Sunday, June 29, 2014

The Playground

A favorite toy for all sheep, young and old, is the utility trailer. I'll have to go back and see if I posted a video of Baaxter jumping around on it when he was really little. He figured out how to jump on and jump off and jump on and jump around and jump off...when he was quite young.

Baaxter is happy to share the trailer with his new friends.  Or at least two of his new friends.

This guy has yet to make it up on the rocket ship.

"They said they're flying off to the moon without me!"

"What do you mean you're going to go back in time?"

"Yeah, we just need to make some modifications first."

"Um, can't we just jump around?"

We've been watching the white faced lamb for a couple of days and have no idea why he can't figure out how to get up there.  We toyed with helping him up there once so he'd get the idea, but decided to wait and just watch.  Of course, if it'd had been Baaxter, I'd probably have helicopter parented myself right over to give him a boost ;-).


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