Monday, December 16, 2024
Solstice Sheep Of The Day - Biscuit
Sunday, December 1, 2024
Solstice Sheep Day One - Muffin
As I was preparing to get up this morning I decided I would wear my Maisie sweater today. I love all my sheep sweaters and I like to think the sheep know I'm wearing their wool and are maybe a bit disappointed if I wear something not from our flock.
I was rustling around trying to find Maisie - I do this by feel in the dark - and felt Muffin's sweater and changed my mind and decided to wear her. As I was pulling it on I thought "Wouldn't it be fun if I drew Muffin's name this morning!"
I cut all the name tags out, folded them tightly and then shook them up in a bowl and without looking put each one into a pocket. I love surprises and if I'd seen a name, I'd have put it back in the bowl and tried again. I was Very Careful.
And on the very first day of Sheep Solstice I drew...Muffin :-).
Muffin and her mom, Mrs. Pepperpot, moved over here from Final Frontier Farm in...are you sitting down?...2017. Good. Grief. Time flies. She'd been the sickest little lamb I'd ever seen who actually lived and she still looked pretty rough when she moved over here to be Biscuit's best friend.
"First hot day this summer, you are probably going to lose her, so don't get too attached." Too late. I was already attached.
Watching Muffin and her mom take the very best care of each other was one of the highlights of my sheep life. Remember them sleeping together, Muffin's head tucked over her momma's back? The day we had to put old Pepperpot down was soul crushing, but the last thing I told her was that we'd take good care of Muffin and here we are seven year later, still enjoying some Muffin magic.
About an hour later I walked into the front room and found a ceramic sheep laying on the floor. Archie! It was a sweet little shiny black sheep and I picked her up and set her on the kitchen counter. She'll be our mascot for the season.
Muffin is a sweet treat lover, but she also loves pumpkins, so today everyone got to have a pumpkin party. My friend Celia and I picked up an entire car full of pumpkins at the season end at our local orchard. I never shared that picture and need to go find it. That car was loaded! I think we had over 150 pumpkins of various sizes piled in there.
Muffin's portrait? One only a mother could love. Look at that slimy pumpkin face :-o. Her calendar picture is so much prettier, but this one tells a good story. Oh, and who is that sheep trying to share her pumpkin? Yep, it's Biscuit. I love that they are still best friends.
We'll try to do better tomorrow ;-).
Sunday, March 3, 2024
Who Am I?
Friday, January 19, 2024
Don't Worry About Me
"I just needed a puffy coat."
I wonder if The Crowing Hen would wear a puffy coat. She looks pretty cold up in the top picture. I've been bringing her into the Wool House at night and making her stay in on the really cold days. We'll all be glad when this weather breaks. I have gotten a few nice pictures though :-).
A couple new puzzles coming tomorrow!
Sunday, February 12, 2023
My Favorite Sheep...Of The Week

Saturday, March 5, 2022
Are You Ready To Race?
"This doesn't look like knitting to me."
"Yeah, that is definitely Not Knitting."
"What exactly is she doing this year, Chocula Chip?"
I bought a punch needle set up back in 2020 and have never gotten brave enough to even take it out of the box. I did read the book, which is very good and also charmingly written, but the two different size needles are still in their boxes and the monk's cloth is still suffocating in it's plastic bag.
I love hooked rugs and enjoyed making a kit I bought years ago, but I didn't enjoy acquiring and storing wool fabric for future projects so I handed it all off to Auntie Reg. Robin and Andy started making punch needle frames a few years ago and I watched Robin working on a rug using yarn during a zoom call and thought, hmmm, I'm already good at acquiring and storing yarn...
For the Iknitarod this year I am going to unpack all the boxes and bags, learn how to use the tools, draw a pattern, dye the yarn and make a rug. In Iknitarod spirit my pattern will be my 2019 ravatar with Biscuit and Muffin looking up at Mrs. Pepperpot (and all our other friends) in the stars.
The Iknitarod starts today with the ceremonial start for the Iditarod. This is my ninth year. I can't wait!
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Wovember - Day 9 - Traceability
Monday, May 13, 2019
Meanwhile, Back In Nome...
Thursday, March 7, 2019
In At The Bottom Of The Yoke Checkpoint
Tuesday, March 5, 2019
After A Few Wrecks
Sunday, March 3, 2019
The Official Restart
Saturday, March 2, 2019
At The Ceremonial Start
Thursday, February 21, 2019
So Here's Where We're At

So...that's where we're at :-).
Wednesday, February 13, 2019
Assembling The Team
* * *
I'll announce the pattern and ravatar nearer the start of the race. Stay tuned.