Here's a new freezing cold puzzle for you. Hope you have a Willard sweater or a wool blanket or maybe a warm cat on your lap :-).
Thursday, February 20, 2025
On The Coldest Days I Wear Willard
Sunday, December 8, 2024
Solstice Sheep Of The Day - Short Round
Short Round only came here because I wanted something good to come out of sweet little Early's short life.
There had been a screw up in the lambing shed the day Early was born and Kathy thought Short Round was only going to have one lamb so she grafted a triplet from another ewe onto her. She was headed to the other farm when I pulled in later in the morning and she told me to keep an eye on the adoption, but that she thought it looked good.
I made my rounds of the lambing jugs and when I got around to the grafting pen there were three lambs in there. Okay, I must have gotten confused, so I checked the other jug pens again. Nope, I had been at the right pen. At least four hours after she'd had her first lamb, Short Round had a second lamb...and now she had three lambs :-o.
Early wasn't in the best of shape, but we finally got him squared away as best we could and I brought him home with me that night. I don't fault Short Round for not getting him up and going better on her own. She would have under normal conditions. She was a good mother and always raised good lambs. She could count to two though and she knew she was already taking care of two lambs so I'm sure she just did not understand what had happened.
Early was a delight in every way. He was cute and smart and funny and just a corker. Once I got to know Short Round I realized she was where he'd gotten his big personality. She's a delight as well and has become one of my all time favorite sheep.
Since we're including treat information about each sheep I'll tell you first that the old flock ewes don't really know anything about cookies and crackers. They are not pets and they don't really care to be pets. Short Round and her daughter Ellie hopped off the trailer when they got here the next year and she took one look around and said "No problem, I can be a pet sheep. Whatchu got in the way of treats, lady?"
Short Round will eat anything. I mean anything. I think if I handed her a Big Mac, she'd eat it. I've never seen anything like it :-D. One of her favorite treats is bananas. I'd like to think B. Willard taught her to eat those, but I have a feeling she'd have figured it out on her own. She also likes oranges and she loves pumpkins too, but seriously, she'll eat anything you hand her.
Thursday, May 12, 2022
Keep Those Cards And Letters Coming
Monday, February 21, 2022
The New Routine?
I miss walking up to the barn in the dark with my flashlight or seeing the light on in Easy Breezy at night. It's not that I don't have a reason to get up in the morning now, but it's just not the same. I still take my coffee and go sit in the wash room and try to answer emails...with Archie's help...but answering emails isn't always a very inspiring way to start the day, especially with Archie's help.
It's getting lighter earlier now and the last few days I've taken the dogs for an early morning walk rather than waiting until after morning chores. I carry my coffee out to the field and it's been pretty nice. It beats sitting at a desk working on a computer for sure. This morning I thought maybe this should just be my new routine.
So if you're looking for an email from me... ;-).
Friday, January 28, 2022
Snow Angels
Thursday, January 20, 2022
No Words
Cheeto and B. Willard
2011 and 2010 - January 20, 2022
Friday, December 31, 2021
December was a blur...but it was a pretty darn decent blur.
Thursday, November 25, 2021
Wovember Day 24. Stash
I was also looking for a simple, almost mindless evening knitting project and a simple sweater definitely meets that criteria...until I mess up something ;-). I have Jared's yarn set aside for the Iknitarod in March, but who wants to wait that long!
Remember the Jacob yarn I spun for the Tour de Fleece a couple of years ago? It would be perfect for a cozy warm barn sweater. I then searched Ravelry for a new pattern and picked the Sophiasburgh sweater by Sam Lamb. Just enough color to keep things interesting and it has an interesting design feature I want to try.
I was sure I had something in the yarn stash that would work for the patterning and I did. I could tell it was Jacob, but I couldn't remember which sheep it was. I had a couple guesses, but unfortunately I hadn't tagged it. I scrolled back through the blog and found it under a Spinzilla post from 2015.
To refresh your memory, the dark Jacob yarn was from our very first five Jacob sheep. I think it was a 2005 shearing. It had originally been processed by Ohio Valley Natural Fibers as quilt batting, but when it became obvious I was never going to get a quilt made, I had them re-run it as roving.
The light gray? It's a blend of Emily and Annabelly, our very next two Jacobs! Nothing could be more perfect.
The historical significance of these yarns is (inspiring/heartwarming/exciting....?). I'm really looking forward to spending some time with seven of my most favorite Jacob sheep ever and wearing the finished sweater while working around our present day flock.
Stash for the win!
Thursday, August 5, 2021
July was a hard month...but we are all still here. As I finally worked on my month end compilation I kept coming across pictures I'd taken for blog posts. Stories I wanted to share...and just didn't. I'm going to try to return to them. They are good memories. There have been some bad memories too...but they deserve sharing as well.
Thursday, July 1, 2021
The Month End
I'm not really sure why I take all these pictures. I mean, the sunrises are beautiful, but do I need to document all of them? Or pictures of the Cheeto and Willard. They all look mostly the same, honestly. Possum has so many bed pictures I had to pick only a few favorites to keep the video from being even longer.
The lambs at least grow and change and I like the series of pictures of me petting Christopher, Maggie coming over to see why I'd be talking to any other lamb but her and then turning to the camera as if in disbelief before curling up in the now empty spot after she told Christopher to get lost. Christopher talking to Lancelot is cute as well.
I probably have taken a hundred pictures of Salt in the driveway. I can't even begin to count Kate and Tilly pictures over the years. If I need a good laugh, I love to go back and look at Maisie pictures or that crazy video of Liddy getting stuck in the shearing chute. I love to get prompts that takes me to an old picture of Buddy or Comby or Hank or Keebler or Lila or...
This morning one of my favorite Instagram follows @springcoyoteranch posted
"Shepherds love to capture a “perfect” moment even if it’s for nobody else to see. There’s a certain feeling of peace you get looking at the sheep. Soaking in all the details of a scene…sheep grazing contentedly, the sun rising or setting over them, mothers and lambs, a favorite ewe gazing back at you in a knowing way. For a fleeting moment all of your hard work is manifest in pure joy and satisfaction. Looking back at old photos, I catch that feeling again for just a little bit."
I love looking back at these old photos. There is a lot I want to remember this every month.
Tuesday, June 15, 2021
Gate Runners
Wednesday, June 2, 2021
Tuesday, May 4, 2021
Virtual Tonight, But... permitting so we can all stay outside and socially distanced, I think we could try an in person Wool House Crafters night starting next Tuesday evening.
Bring your own snack bag and beverage so we aren't sharing serving spoons. Please bring a mask with you in case anyone feels anxious. I think we have enough chairs to spread around, but if you wanted to toss one in your car, that's never a bad idea.
If everything goes well, the new schedule will be in person on the second Tuesday of each month (as in the olden times) and virtual meetings on all the other Tuesday evenings (as in the recent times). I find the Zoom meetings almost as fun as the in person and I love being able to spin with fiber friends all over the country :-).
For the last two Tuesdays I've been spinning B. Willard. Two weeks ago I didn't have time to do any fiber prep so just grabbed loose locks and spun an "art" single. Last week I spun some smoothly carded roving and...miracles never cease...I plied them together on a 'not Tuesday' and really liked the finished yarn. I'll be spinning more of that tonight!
What would you like to work on?
Sunday, May 2, 2021
...And Then This Happened
Tuesday, April 27, 2021
Wednesday, April 21, 2021
Well This, Then...
...and then this happened 12 hours later :-o.
Lamb or freak April snow...tough call ;-). Lamb first; snow post tomorrow!
She and her mom, Short Round, are hanging out in Easy Breezy and after only a little bit of eye rolling from Cheeto and B. Willard, everyone is quite happy...especially me :-).