Showing posts with label porch scenes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label porch scenes. Show all posts

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Biscuit's Beds

If you've been following along on Instagram or Twitter or Facebook (they all usually crosspost, but sometimes not the videos), you've already seen a few of Biscuit's beds.  Yesterday was an especially good bed day because he kept jumping up on a big bag of loose hay to nap.

He disappeared during evening chores last night and I found him here, under the skirting table, on yet another comfy bed.  I didn't have my phone with me or this would have been on Instagram as well.  Luckily I had the big camera tucked into the rest of the mess on the table.

He's sitting on a bag of skirting scraps.

I realize that those two pictures are pretty much the same, but his expression is slightly different so I included both.  I think it's kind of cute with all the sheets hanging down everywhere (we were cleaning out the loft for hay delivery and I didn't want any extra VM added to the fleeces :-o).  It looks like a tent fort.

"All the beds are mine ;-)."

Here is a recap of the highlights from yesterday in case you missed them.  And an oldie from the porch.  Sorry these are so big.  Not so computer savvy...

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A post shared by Sara Dunham (@thecrazysheeplady) on

A post shared by Sara Dunham (@thecrazysheeplady) on

A post shared by Sara Dunham (@thecrazysheeplady) on

This is his favorite porch bed :-).

Biscuit is feeling pretty darn good these days.  Whew!  He has some exciting news to share later today.  Well, hopefully later today.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Biscuit's Bowls

Because every good lamb has their own sheep bowl, right? :-D

And between Biscuit and Betsy, the wicker is sure getting a workout!

Tuesday, June 7, 2016


Betsy & Bullwinkle, sharing a hay bed.  As always around here, more bed than breakfast ;-).

Yes, Bullwinkle's still on the porch.  I'm having trouble talking myself into booting him out to the barn.  He's really no trouble and I enjoy eating breakfast with him on the front steps.  The sunrises here are beautiful and it's nice to sit out in the heavy dew and be a part of the sun breaking over the front field rather than just watching from the kitchen.  

I know I could still go out and eat on the steps even if he moves to the barn...but it would be a little lonelier.  Except for Comby and Eli and Tilly and Kate and anyone else who wants to "wash" my cereal bowl ;-).


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