Maisie and Andy having a hay eating contest ;-).
I haven't noticed Baaxter's X in a long time, but there it is! In real life it just looks like some random spots to me, but I guess the straight on head shot via the camera brings it out. Sometimes you "see" less with the camera and sometimes you see more. I'm glad to see the X :-).
Sadly, just a head's up....fleeces :-/. We had a ton of trouble getting enough winter hay in the barn this fall. The weather (mostly too much rain) was just against the local farmers all spring and summer. The hay we normally buy (orchard grass) didn't produce well. They hay we finally found (panic late in the fall) is a mixed grass...with a lot mixed in.
Orchard grass is a clean single blade with nothing to really grab and stick to anything, perfect for fleece protection. This hay is a mix of blades, leaves, flowers, some weeds and even some prickly bits. It goes everywhere; however, the sheep love it. They eat nearly every single bit. I've had waste as high as 40% with orchard grass in years past.
The denser fleeces are holding up pretty well. Not much gets down through the thick coats of Blossom, Liddy, Chocula, Woody, Lila, Maisie and most of the Jacobs... The long wools (Hershey, Murphy, B. Willard, Keebler, Rebecca Boone, Graham...) look awful. The sheep, however, are all much happier and, bottom line, that's more important to me.
So why is Hank sitting over here by himself?
So he can keep a close eye on those dastardly horses! I cheated and tossed the horses hay over the fence at the sheep end of the barn the other day. I was out of bales in the side shed. Sorry, Hank. I won't do that again. You are a good dog.