I'm glad the blog is still here and it's back doing more than just recording the month end compilations, but just the same, here's January. Lots of good memories of one of our biggest snow events since we've been here :-).
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
The Blog Is 18 Years Old!
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Solstice Sheep Of The Day - Baaxter Black
Thursday, October 24, 2024
A Good Day
I love it when the oldies are having a good day. What a fabulous fall we've had.
Thursday, July 18, 2024
This has been the hottest summer I can ever remember. Usually I can count on one hand the number of days over 90. I've lost track of how many we've had this year...so far. Today was a blessing. Low 80s, a nice breeze, low humidity (because we are so, so dry unfortunately).
After lunch I grabbed my favorite chair and settled in with some of my best friends.
Bea was by my side. Jared and Short Round were napping to my right and Baaxter and Tabitha were napping behind me.
Saturday, March 2, 2024
Wait! I'm Here! I'm Here!
I'm off to a late start, but we are finally ready to hit the trail. I'm still not 100% certain of what I'm making, but I'm going to be using the Lamb Camp Bottle Lamb yarn so I put everyone on the Ravatar with me. I'll start knitting tomorrow.
When you aren't competitive and are mostly in the race for the experience, it's called a "camping trip". That's going to be my plan for this year. I'm going to enjoy spending time with some of my very best friends and hopefully have a vest to show for it at the end.
Can you identify all the sheep above? A couple are a little vague, but the "characters" should be easily recognized :-).
Wednesday, January 31, 2024
One Last Christmas Post
These pictures from the same night as the Archie picture are too fun to not share and save over here, especially Short Round sitting out in the field wearing her lights. Unfortunately these were all taken with my phone, so they are not as clear and sharp. Still keepers though.
I'd love to be able to talk to Short Round and hear what she thinks about her life over here. I think she gets a kick out of all the silly things we do :-).
Tuesday, April 4, 2023
Saturday, February 18, 2023
My Favorite Sheep...Of The Week
This week's Sheep of the Week is Spud, although as I scrolled back through all the old Spud posts, he was usually referred to as Sweet Spud.
Spud arrived here in the summer of 2014 along with Murphy and Woody to be buddies for Baaxter. They got into all sorts of fun that first year. Besides normal teenage hijinks, they dressed up for Halloween and even had a Christmas party. Do you remember the Spaceship? He was one of the Spaceship sheep :-).
Spud earned Sweet Spud by, well, by being sweet. He loved Hank and would always stop to visit with him and "close talk". Hank never seemed to mind. Spud would also check in with me almost every morning, lean into me for a sheep hug and we'd visit for a couple of minutes before he headed out for breakfast.
My favorite Sweet Spud story however, is how he was one of the main Sheep Chicken sheep, helping the old hen up onto her perch each night. My favorite of those posts was this video. There are several pictures and a couple of videos of the sheep working to help that old hen. I loved that.
The picture up top was taken last winter. It's the December picture on the 2023 calendar. Salt was Miss December in 2022. That calendar is still hanging in the wash room. I can't bring myself to take it down. I doubt I'll take 2023 down at the end of this year either. I had to make the hard call this past week.
Sweet Spud
Spring 2014 - February 13, 2023
He was one of the very best.
Sunday, February 5, 2023
My Favorite Sheep...Of The Week
Monday, May 9, 2022
The Yarn Might Not Be The Best Part

Friday, May 6, 2022
It's All Been Fun...
Thursday, November 25, 2021
Wovember Day 24. Stash
I was also looking for a simple, almost mindless evening knitting project and a simple sweater definitely meets that criteria...until I mess up something ;-). I have Jared's yarn set aside for the Iknitarod in March, but who wants to wait that long!
Remember the Jacob yarn I spun for the Tour de Fleece a couple of years ago? It would be perfect for a cozy warm barn sweater. I then searched Ravelry for a new pattern and picked the Sophiasburgh sweater by Sam Lamb. Just enough color to keep things interesting and it has an interesting design feature I want to try.
I was sure I had something in the yarn stash that would work for the patterning and I did. I could tell it was Jacob, but I couldn't remember which sheep it was. I had a couple guesses, but unfortunately I hadn't tagged it. I scrolled back through the blog and found it under a Spinzilla post from 2015.
To refresh your memory, the dark Jacob yarn was from our very first five Jacob sheep. I think it was a 2005 shearing. It had originally been processed by Ohio Valley Natural Fibers as quilt batting, but when it became obvious I was never going to get a quilt made, I had them re-run it as roving.
The light gray? It's a blend of Emily and Annabelly, our very next two Jacobs! Nothing could be more perfect.
The historical significance of these yarns is (inspiring/heartwarming/exciting....?). I'm really looking forward to spending some time with seven of my most favorite Jacob sheep ever and wearing the finished sweater while working around our present day flock.
Stash for the win!
Sunday, January 31, 2021
Romeo Or Knight In Shining Armor?
And then I noticed one other sheep with snow on her back. The only other sheep with snow on her back. Ah ha, I thought I knew what was going on.
Kaala is one of the popular girls. One that frequently attracts attention from a few of the boys. Well, mostly just two boys these days, Jared and Big Moose. There used to be other boys, but Jared has schooled on them pretty strongly about who the "wimmens" belong to...and it being Not Them.
Big Moose is not a slow learner. Quite the contrary and he's very well versed in the 'duck and run' any time Jared turns his attention to him. However, if there is anything Big Moose aspires to, it's to be Big J when he grows up. He idolizes Jared.
How Big Moose and Kaala ended up outside together, apparently unsupervised, all night... Well, she's another sheep who frequently sleeps outside. The weather was really pretty nasty. Maybe Big J decided to stay cozy indoors and finally let the kid have a chance.
But...it wasn't just snowing that night. It was also really cold and windy. Why would anyone want to stay out in that when they could stay indoors? Was something wrong with Kaala? No, she looks fine (and that is yet another boyfriend, Baaxter, with her above ;-). Then I remembered the girl fight from the night before.
The next morning...note Tessa only has eyes for Big J, but Big Moose and Baaxter are still hopeful ;-).
Always remember, boys...Rule Number One - all the 'wimmens' belong to Jared.Rule Number Two...refer back to Rule Number One ;-).
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Lamb Camp Legacy Yarn
"Dudes, I don't know nothin' about that yarn. I'm just here for the ladies...and the cookies."

Speaking of marketing, each skein is $18. And it often goes without saying, but buying this yarn supports not just our farm and sheep, but also Tring Farm, who raised these legacy lambs, and Stonehedge Fiber Mill, who spun the yarn, and our sheep shearers, our veterinarians, our local feed mill, our hay and straw producers... (In case you were needing a way to justify breaking your New Year's Resolution to not buy more yarn ;-D.)