Wednesday, April 28, 2021
The Corgi Of The Sheep World
Tuesday, March 30, 2021
The Little Weasel
Miss Tilly was named after one of my favorite old neighbors from years past. I always seem to end up with a good neighbor almost everywhere I've ever lived :-).
As most puppies do, Tilly dug some holes in our gardens and Tim started calling her The Garden Weasel after one of those "as seen on tv" ads. The Garden Weasel soon became Weaslie and then Tim's dad called her Weaser. She picked up Short Round and Tilly Bobby from a couple of favorite movies. The Little Shriner came from the guys who drove the tiny cars around in circles at the circus. Tilly would run in circles trying to figure out what direction Iris was heading. Dammit Weaslie because...corgis ;-).
We got to sit outside under the still standing Christmas card tree yesterday and enjoy a dog picnic and one last afternoon nap. There are worse ways to spend an afternoon.
Miss Tillly
September 2006 - March 29, 2021
Saturday, December 19, 2020
Easter Eggs For Christmas
I came up with a plan for the Christmas card early in the year. It was something cute and fun with the horses and sheep and I was excited about trying to draw and paint it. Just before I started to work on it, B. Willard got into a bucket of greenery I'd cut and ate just enough off each branch that I could no longer really use any of them and would have to start cutting all over.
I was laughing with Auntie Reg about that and we agreed it was 2020 in a nutshell and that should be the card design this year.
I sketched it out, had my yearly conference with my favorite art teacher, started painting...and I didn't love it. It wasn't terrible...but it wasn't great. There were good parts...and parts that I just didn't feel were working out at all. There were several things I wished I had done differently and I considered just starting all over.
It's been a sad, sentimental sort of year. The thought of painting over the top of naughty Cheeto and Willard or the horses running around the yard or Salt sleeping under her favorite tree made me...sad and sentimental. Those were good stories. Good times.
Tilly digging in the bucket to see if there was anything to eat, Possum, so happy on "her" porch, Maisie standing watch over the flock...and wearing a Santa hat, no less! Rocky and Jared grazing in the yard and the chickens...the chickens... ;-)
There's probably too much focus on the Wool House porch, but sitting in those chairs with Kate and Tilly, watching the sun come up and Willard hobble out to "make the donuts" each morning meant a lot to me. I hope we aren't the only ones still sitting out there somehow.
Maisie floating around by herself out in "left field", well, kind of Maisie. I added her red hat to try to draw some attention away from the heaviness of the porch and it became a nice reminder of the fun we had dressing her up this year.
Oh wait, I did paint out one character - Betsy (said like "Newman" from Seinfeld). I'd originally had her looking out of the window of the Wool House, but after yet another vicious attack on sweet little Possum, I replaced her with a potted plant. It's a special plant though. Every year Stella gives me a beautiful poinsettia and it made me happy to include it.
So...while I might not love the overall design of the card, when I notice all the little stories behind the big story I have to admit it's still a pretty good card. Sure, there are good parts and not as good parts and things I wish I'd done differently and stories I wished had ended differently, but...that's probably 2020 in a nutshell.
Merry Christmas!
Friday, May 8, 2020
A Funny Story About Early...And Maisie
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Monday, March 2, 2020
Sunny Sunday
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Far Out
We've had some pretty mornings, but fall is still eluding us. There are two days next week that are forecast for 98 degrees :-o. At the end of September...
How about a couple of new puzzles :-). Enjoy!
Wednesday, July 31, 2019
If You Want To Get All Technical About It
You can do the next part by hand...or use a spreadsheet. I like math, but love spreadsheets ;-).
Making sure you have the two loose ends facing the same direction...
...and the bows are all facing up (if facing down then the skein is twisted)...
...and your skein winder securely anchored with a corgi butt...
Wednesday, March 6, 2019
Keeping An Eye On The Trail
Monday, February 11, 2019
Wednesday, March 21, 2018
And It's Back
I'd taken a whole series of pictures of Tilly digging a snow bed...
...but a corgi digging in deep (for a corgi ;-) snow...the pictures all look pretty much the same ;-).

And then, when she lays's kind of hard to tell that she actually has ;-D.

Monday, March 12, 2018
Camping Away From A Checkpoint
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