Showing posts with label daniel not-boone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label daniel not-boone. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

A Wool(ish) House

I found a super sweet bird nest the other day.  It had blown down during a wind storm.  I love all bird nests, but this one is extra special because of all the wool in it. Buddy and/or Woolliam, Petunia and/or Daniel and Chocula, Salt and/or Hank and probably some others as well.  Here's a quick tour:

Thank you for all the calendar orders! I hope you know how much that is appreciated.  They are still "at the printers" waiting to be assembled, but luckily Tim's been busy this month.  That's appreciated as well ;-).

Some neighborhood news - there appears to be another stray cat hanging around.  Both my neighbor and I have been blaming the sightings on each other's calico cats and two days ago I broke up a fight next door in which "Betsy" took off running towards our farm...but then I found the real Betsy asleep in the house.  "Betsy's Stunt Double" was spotted between the two farms again last night.

Four bossy calico cats in one area is probably going to make for a long winter.  Why couldn't it have been a sweet orange kitty :-(.  Sigh...

Thursday, September 17, 2020


One of my favorite things to do is stand in the barn lot in the evening while the sheep are milling around getting ready for bed. The best part of these nighttime sessions was standing with Daniel. Daniel was a hugger. When he saw the opportunity, he'd push his way in and then stand there next to me, leaning against my leg. 

My arm would instinctively wrap around his neck and I'd bury my fingers in the wool around his neck and shoulders, gently scratching, and he'd stand there like that with me forever. I know my sheep like me. Daniel loved me. If I'd known the other night that that was the last time we'd do that, I'd have stayed there forever, too. 

Daniel aka Big D

May 2013 – September 17, 2020

We've lost another good sheep to bladder stones.  We tried to get him unblocked surgically, but were unsuccessful.  The vet autopsied him and collected some sludge/sand to send off to be tested to determine the mineral make up of the stones.  I hope that tells us something.  Is it our grass, the water, the mineral mix...?  

Monday, June 8, 2020

The Fourth Picture

The first picture was good, but the fourth picture was better ;-).  Less distracting sunburst and better composition.

Evening light is my favorite.  Evening in general is my favorite.  Everything seems to take a deep breath and slowly exhale.  Some days it's the nice end to a good day.  Some days it's just a we made it to the end.  One of the few good parts of summer is the soft evening light after a long, too bright day.  

The trick to these pictures is waiting until the sunlight is perfect.  Or happening to notice the sun is perfect and grabbing your camera and running out.  It doesn't stay perfect for long.  The Golden Hour doesn't last quite an hour I've found.

Once the sunlight is perfect, you still need to work a bit.  It helps to filter the bright light through some trees.  Move around and watch how your camera reacts.  If it's too blown out, change your angle just a little.  Too dark?  Again, move around, put the sun behind a bigger tree...

If you want to get more technical, read up on metering so you'll better understand how your camera is thinking.  I also set my white balance to cloudy.  White balance and exposure compensation are two very basic camera tools everyone should learn to use.  Read your manual or look online.

The always photogenic Count Chocula.

This is too sunset-y, but I like the composition.  Daniel, Liddy, Kaala.

Muuufin :-)

This is Baaxter with the sun shining from the side...

...and now shining from behind.  I like the little bit more definition of the first picture, but the soft light of the second picture.  The background of the second picture is more interesting as well.

And this was my favorite picture of the evening.  Kaala with the light balanced just right behind the filtering trees.  It's also a new puzzle :-).

Friday, May 10, 2019


...there's obviously a shortage of grass in this field.  Boys...

There is obviously plenty of grass here.  So much so that I have spent much of this week sitting on a tractor or mower, trying to get back on top of it.  I am So Excited by the thought of another inch or two of rain forecast for this weekend :-o.  The obvious answer is I need more sheep, right?  Right.

I have no idea why Daniel and Baaxter are trying to eat the same piece of grass, but I love the dark gray stripe down Baaxter's back. I haven't skirted his fleece yet to see if the stripe shows through. To be honest I haven't skirted any fleeces yet...and the Kentucky Sheep and Fiber Festival is NEXT WEEKEND.

So guess what I'll be doing this weekend ;-).

Monday, March 25, 2019

Daniel And His Bell

Let me tell you a story about Daniel.  Don't worry - it's a sweet story with a happy ending :-).  

Daniel is one of our more complicated sheep.  Not "Maisie complicated", but complicated more like an easy going middle child who doesn't demand special attention...but sure would enjoy a little...if someone would just notice him.

Daniel doesn't follow me around, pushing and shoving for back scratches or treats.  He doesn't climb on me or the gate, not letting me through with the hay.  In fact, Daniel is never underfoot.  Daniel is always well behaved and polite...and overshadowed by his rowdy brothers and sisters.

I am aware of this and mostly make sure I've said hello and rubbed his ears and asked him how his day was, but sometimes life gets extra busy and while I always make sure everyone is well fed and in good order, I may not think to take an extra minute to check in more personally with a sheep like Daniel.

When this happens, inevitably Daniel gets "sick"...which immediately gets my notice.  He looks droopy and sad and Eeyore-ish and I check his eyes, his ears, I rub his neck and shoulders and we have a talk about what might be the matter...and if he thinks he needs to have his temperature taken.  He never does ;-).

I really don't think he's deliberately faking being sick to get my attention.  I think his feelings are truly hurt and he's a tad depressed and therefore actually "sick".  Luckily a little special attention and some extra nose smooches perk him right up.

Petunia had gotten a small nick on her neck during shearing last week.  Over the weekend I noticed that her collar and bell had aggravated the spot and was not letting it heal properly.  I immediately removed the collar and as I was getting ready to set it on the ground so I could get a better look at her neck, I noticed Daniel standing nearby, watching.

"Would you like to wear Petunia's bell for awhile?" I asked. 

I placed the collar around his neck.  He stood still and didn't seem to be at all concerned.  I fastened one side of the buckle and let it hang for a second, ready to remove it if he got upset. Some sheep really don't like the bells.  He moved his head a bit..and the bell tinkled...and Special Daniel stood a little bit taller :-).    

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Some Sunday Summer Sheep Shots

I had a request for some head shots, so twist my rubber arm and force me to take my camera to the barn.  Well, actually, that was exactly what I needed.  A good swift kick in the butt.  I think this summer's heat and humidity, among other issues, has really taken a toll.  

The short break in the weather last week really cheered us all up.  Today's steamy 88 degrees with a "real feel" of 97 was just...demoralizing.  I'm just so ready for summer to be over.  I'm a sheep at heart.  I'm happiest when I can comfortably wear a wool sweater.

These aren't my normal style of picture composition, but they are what was requested for the application for which they might be used.  Hopefully they'll inspire me to get back into the routine joy of taking more pictures again.  

Actually, I've taken quite a few pictures.  My broken mojo is more in putting them into a cohesive blog post. are some pictures.  




Muuuuffffiiiinnn ;-)

The neighbor makes fun of me for how I say Muffin.  

Biiiiiiiscuit ;-)

Daniel Not-Boone aka Big D

B. Willard...looking pretty bewildered :-D.

Priddy Liddy

Now that I think about it, I don't believe I've ever officially introduced the old rams who have retired here.  This is Jared.  Being a breeding ram (for 10 years), he was never coddled or played with or fed cookies.  He has become one of my very best barn buddies.  

"I just look tough.  I'm really a sweet, lovable cookie monster.  I've been told I'm going to be in the hugging pen at some party they have here every fall.  I can't wait!"

"I ain't going in any stupid hugging pen.  And you can keep those stupid cookies.  Jared has gone soft in the head."

This is Rocky.  He's actually not as grumpy as he wants everyone to believe.  And he will let you hug and kiss on him and even eat a cookie or two now and then...when he wants to ;-).  If he looks familiar, he should.  He's Hershey and Spud's dad and grandfather to Biscuit, Muffin, Levi and Andy.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Crossing Guard

I believe we are at nine foggy mornings so far this August and fog is predicted for in the morning...because it's going down into the 50s tonight!  :-D

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Hours Of Nonstop Entertainment

I was out in the barn yesterday evening when all the sheep headed out for a last bit of grazing.  Nothing unusual about that until Daniel walked out...with the Sheep Chicken on his back.  

While several of the sheep will actually carry the chicken straight over to the wall where her night perch is located, Daniel is apparently not one.  Oh, he's happy to let the chicken surf from his back to another sheep's back, but if he has to mastermind the complete trip...  

"I thought the chicken was supposed to stay back in the barn."

Spud, far left, looks like he's telling Daniel he did it wrong.  Spud is one of the best chicken transport sheep.

"Yes, I realize that now, Spud!"

"You made a new puzzle from that picture?"

"For crying out loud.  This just gets worse and worse."


"I have a chicken on my back."

"I have a chicken on my back."

"A little help here, lady?!?"

"I have a chicken on my back."

"Come here, Big D, and I'll take the chicken in for you."

He might not understand how to get the chicken put to bed properly, but he does know he can walk over to me and I'll fix it...after I take a few pictures ;-).  

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Keeping An Eye On The [Sheep] Trail

Once again we woke to a decent snow cover this morning.  I love sheep trails through snow :-).  The snow lasted a couple hours, but as soon as the sun came out, poof!  


Spud, Murphy and Woody 


Daniel looks like he can smell spring coming :-).


Baaxter's sweater is coming along.  I've got the sleeves and body joined and am working my way up the yoke shaping trail.  The Iditarod is getting it always does.  If you are interested, does a great job sharing the race details.

Monday, March 5, 2018

Spring Shearing

Our favorite shearer, Bill Haudenschield, was in town for a few days last week (with his nephew Dustin :-) so we decided to go ahead and shear a week or so early this year.  It was a beautiful day, the company was excellent, the sheep all behaved (mostly ;-) and the fleeces look good.  Here are some of my favorite pictures.


Rebecca Boone



Biscuit...all those pretty curls :'-(.

The video.


Note Liddy in the background.  Just after I took this picture, she stuck her head through the gate and grabbed a packet of french fries!


Clover Belly




The Little Darlin'...

...who actually behaved quite well this year!

This is the extended version of the video I posted the other day.  Instagram has a 60 second limit.  This is 30 seconds longer...and cuter.  I just love these!

You'll notice a few sheep didn't get shorn.  They are the oldies who don't have enough fat on them (Allie, Annabelly, Billy Belly and Mrs. Pepperpot) for me to feel comfortable taking away their woolly jumpers before we are certain the cold is over for the year. 

After a couple weeks of 70s and 80s, we have now, of course, turned a bit colder, but with the barn shut up when it's windy and plenty of hay in front of them, everyone is doing okay.  The warm sunshine has been appreciated though for sure.  And look at that green grass and bright blue sky!  It matches my hat :-D.

And here's a new puzzle!  Enjoy :-).


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