It's sunny now...

...but here's what it looked like this morning.
Saint Tim and I have been volunteering at the local 5K races. After the last one - with a super cute hot dog running across the race t-shirt I might add - I decided there was really no reason why I couldn't do that.
I used to run before we moved to the farm. Tim was a big time cross country runner in high school and college. We are both a lot older and fatter now. I'd tried a couple of times to get back into it, but each time gave up due to injury, lack of motivation... I knew I needed a different angle. I decided to train in secret.
Tim always works the finish line. I go wherever they need me. For this race - as everyone but Tim knew I was going to run it - I was assigned "guarding a pothole out on the course". The game was to hopefully surprise Tim as I crossed the finish instead.
"So, you're basically a traffic cone, eh?" he asked when I told him my "assignment".
"Yep." :-)
Dr. Barron and another tech (not Louann ;-) and a friend from the local TSC ran
We live in a great little town...and I'm gonna get me a hot dog shirt next summer! :-D