Showing posts with label running. Show all posts
Showing posts with label running. Show all posts

Saturday, September 8, 2012

If That's What It Takes To Make It Rain

It's sunny now...

...but here's what it looked like this morning.

Saint Tim and I have been volunteering at the local 5K races. After the last one - with a super cute hot dog running across the race t-shirt I might add - I decided there was really no reason why I couldn't do that.

I used to run before we moved to the farm. Tim was a big time cross country runner in high school and college. We are both a lot older and fatter now. I'd tried a couple of times to get back into it, but each time gave up due to injury, lack of motivation... I knew I needed a different angle. I decided to train in secret.

Tim always works the finish line. I go wherever they need me. For this race - as everyone but Tim knew I was going to run it - I was assigned "guarding a pothole out on the course". The game was to hopefully surprise Tim as I crossed the finish instead.

"So, you're basically a traffic cone, eh?" he asked when I told him my "assignment".

"Yep." :-)

Dr. Barron and another tech (not Louann ;-) and a friend from the local TSC ran with past me. As I rounded the last turn and headed for the finish I could hear the cheers. Folks I didn't even really know were all yelling for a runner finishing 166th (out of about 400). I'm not even sure who took the picture above (forwarded to me by the Director of the Chamber of Commerce), but what a fun way to make a middle aged running debut.

We live in a great little town...and I'm gonna get me a hot dog shirt next summer! :-D


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