Not a banner day on the farm.
Scrunchy tested positive for both Feline Leukemia and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus. I knew this was eventually going to happen. We have too many strays around here to get lucky forever. There are no good decisions. None. You try to balance the needs of the cat and the needs of your other cats and the needs of all the other stray cats he might come in contact with as a free roamer as there is no way to bring him in the house or confine him for the rest of his life.
There are some rescues that can take infected cats, but they are already overcrowded and overworked. As all the rescues are. For cats, dogs, horses, pigs, rabbits... I'm sure the majority of blog readers are already well aware of this problem. We've all taken in strays and rescues and wondered why folks just couldn't be a little more responsible.

I'm not sure where we go when we die, but surely it's better than living in a cage. And hopefully you know that someone is sad to see you go.
Today also began the destruction of the old stripping room out by the big barn. This is the bigger of our two small outbuildings and had been moved here by a previous owner back in the 70's I believe. He stopped by one day to see the farm and told the story of balancing it on a tobacco wagon, pulling it over here from a nearby farm and resetting it all by himself. Quite a feat.
And while the building was still standing and very useful for parking tractors and miscellany, the foundation on one side had collapsed and we were told it would be cheaper to rebuild it than to repair it. As it came down in less than five minutes, it was probably a little dangerous as well.
Still, old buildings have character and history and I am a sap and sad to see it go as well. I'm just glad the project took a little longer than planned to get underway, as it gave all the baby birds plenty of time to grow up and move out of there over the last couple of weeks.

There is an email that frequently surfaces that features signs between two churches somewhere.
It starts as "All dogs go to heaven."
"Only humans go to heaven, read the bible."
"God loves all his creations, dogs included."
"Dogs don't have souls. This is not open for debate."
"[withheld] dogs go to heaven. [withheld] dogs can talk to their pastor."
"Converting to [withheld] does not magically grant your dog a soul."
"Free dog souls with conversion."
"Dogs are animals. There aren't any rocks in heaven either."
"All rocks go to heaven."
And cats.
And old barns.
Scrunchy tested positive for both Feline Leukemia and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus. I knew this was eventually going to happen. We have too many strays around here to get lucky forever. There are no good decisions. None. You try to balance the needs of the cat and the needs of your other cats and the needs of all the other stray cats he might come in contact with as a free roamer as there is no way to bring him in the house or confine him for the rest of his life.
There are some rescues that can take infected cats, but they are already overcrowded and overworked. As all the rescues are. For cats, dogs, horses, pigs, rabbits... I'm sure the majority of blog readers are already well aware of this problem. We've all taken in strays and rescues and wondered why folks just couldn't be a little more responsible.

I'm not sure where we go when we die, but surely it's better than living in a cage. And hopefully you know that someone is sad to see you go.
Today also began the destruction of the old stripping room out by the big barn. This is the bigger of our two small outbuildings and had been moved here by a previous owner back in the 70's I believe. He stopped by one day to see the farm and told the story of balancing it on a tobacco wagon, pulling it over here from a nearby farm and resetting it all by himself. Quite a feat.
And while the building was still standing and very useful for parking tractors and miscellany, the foundation on one side had collapsed and we were told it would be cheaper to rebuild it than to repair it. As it came down in less than five minutes, it was probably a little dangerous as well.
Still, old buildings have character and history and I am a sap and sad to see it go as well. I'm just glad the project took a little longer than planned to get underway, as it gave all the baby birds plenty of time to grow up and move out of there over the last couple of weeks.

There is an email that frequently surfaces that features signs between two churches somewhere.
It starts as "All dogs go to heaven."
"Only humans go to heaven, read the bible."
"God loves all his creations, dogs included."
"Dogs don't have souls. This is not open for debate."
"[withheld] dogs go to heaven. [withheld] dogs can talk to their pastor."
"Converting to [withheld] does not magically grant your dog a soul."
"Free dog souls with conversion."
"Dogs are animals. There aren't any rocks in heaven either."
"All rocks go to heaven."
And cats.
And old barns.