Showing posts with label new lambs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label new lambs. Show all posts

Friday, July 5, 2019

The Post You've Been Waiting For

Yes, Big Moose and Mini Moose now live with us :-).  Also Big Moose's mom and one of her friends.  We are still playing around with names for everyone.  Big Moose probably works, but Mini Moose seems like a name you might not want to live with for the rest of your life.  

Big Moose

I was worried that he wouldn't "tame down" very well as he's always been a bit bug eyed and flighty, but he was the first to succumb to cookies and scratches :-).

Big Moose's mom.  Also known as the "smiley ewe" from a post from last year.  She and I partnered up last year after I took her picture out in the field.  Interestingly, I have a file picture of her saved from 2014, so I must have always liked her.  I need to pull out an old Lamb Camp calendar and see if she was featured in there.

The two boys are best buds.  That's Big Moose on the left and Mini Moose on the right.  I love that he still has his distinct stripe.

We have had just miserable hot and humid weather for over a week now.  Just. Miserable.  In order to quarantine the new sheep, we had to put them in Del Boca Vista...which is really nice in the winter...and miserably hot in the summer.  I try to never put sheep in there when it's hot.

The two tents set up between the DBV shed and the barn are an attempt to add some shade for them.  The front gets blazing sun in the morning and the back/side gets cooked in the afternoon.  Everyone seems to be getting along okay, but we all wish the weather would break :-(.

Mini Moose.  I love his coloring.  It's almost like he waded in a black stream that came up to his belly while his top coloring is silvery light gray.  Both boys have lovely fleeces :-).

Friday, June 9, 2017

Biscuit's Buddies!

You've seen this lamb before.  There's just a hint of a clue left to jog your memory.  Look at her right ear ;-).

There's a bit more to the rest of her story.  Getting her "on the ground" was a bit of a gamble.  Her mom was one of the grand dame ewes at Final Frontier Farm and while Kathy knew it was a risk, she thought/hoped the old ewe had one more lamb in her.  If she could just get a ewe lamb...and she did! She had a beautiful black ewe lamb.

Of course, not all fairy tales have a happy ending.  Momma put everything she had into the baby...and then didn't have enough milk.  Everyone pitched in to take care of the baby and things were looking good...and then we noticed the tell tale signs of a selenium deficiency.  Selenium is a killer - too much or too little.  Lamb care went into high gear.

She and her mom lived in the front of the lambing barn all spring.  They could come and go into the front yard, but mostly the lamb just stayed in the barn.  Momma would go out and graze around the parking area, keeping a close ear and eye on her lamb, and come back in to check her every few minutes.  She took the very best care of her that she could.

Other than worrying about her, I enjoyed having a bottle lamb to snorgle during breaks in lambing and barn work.  I fed her, held her, took some adorable pictures of her...  Watching momma monitor every single thing we did to her lamb was heartwarming.  She was a funny old ewe and I enjoyed her almost as much as the lamb.

There were a couple times we thought about putting her down.  She was one very sick little girl. She was also one very tough little girl and she never gave up.  When I decided I wanted a buddy for Biscuit, she was the top of my list.  And, having watched the two together, I knew I'd never want to split them up, so momma got to come, too :-).

And now Biscuit has a buddy (she's actually his half sister - they have the same dad :-) and a surrogate mom.  

Several folks have asked about Biscuit's collar.  It's for his leash ;-).  Being the helicopter mom that I am and with how much trouble he's had lately with his tummy (that seems to be in pretty good order now, thankfully!), I've taken to keeping his eating under very close watch.  

Biscuit will eat anything.  I started to wonder if his propensity to eat everything except good old grass was possibly due to being raised on goat milk (goats are notorious for eating anything ;-), but the black lamb was raised on goat milk as well and she's a good grazer.  She has a better mom. Hopefully she'll teach Biscuit.

They are off to a good start.  

"I guess this grass stuff isn't so bad..."

Right before he realized I was busy taking pictures and ran off to grab some probably poisonous pokeweed along the fence...and she followed him :-o.  That wasn't what I had in mind, kids.  Sigh...

This really is a funny old ewe.  One of my favorites.  She still watches that lamb like a hawk and still watches everything I do to her, whether feeding her a bottle or holding her for a vet check up. She didn't think twice when I offered her a cookie and when she took her first look around the paddock, she found the free ranging mint and I swear I heard her say "Hmmm, they even have a mojito garden here!"

She reminds me a bit of Boo.  Remember him?  As Saint Tim said, sometimes you do get to move to "a nice farm in the country" :-).

Speaking of dogs, Kate shouldn't be out there, but she keeps sneaking into the field when I'm in there :-/.  There is a gap in the gate and even though I told her to stay out, sitting out in the field together is sort of our thing and she is not to be denied. That's fine when you know the sheep are okay with that, but this ewe is very distrustful of border collies and made it clear from the start that she was not afraid to take Kate out!  

Kate seems to know that and has gone above and beyond to show her that while she must be obeyed, she'll be fair and can be trusted.  The lamb snuck out through the same gate when I was feeding two nights ago and Kate so, so gently and quietly and slooowly walked her back through. Mom watched the whole time with me in between (like that was really going to do any good if things went south :-o) and I think we all breathed a sigh of relief.  

Neither has a real name yet.  Grandma and "the crippled lamb" will not work ;-).  20's Uncle John has hooked me on the Tiffany Aching stories from the hugely popular (but nowhere on my radar) Discworld series.  I'm toying with Granny Weatherwax and Tiffany...but I really don't like the name Tiffany...even though it's perfect for a tough little brown eyed, brown haired girl.  

Mostly I'm mentioning the series to recommend them to anyone else who may not know about them. I haven't tried any of the Discworld books yet, but the offshoot Tiffany Aching series has this non-fantasy reader's interest piqued.  There are sheep and shepherding in the stories :-D.  And the writing is very good.  I've listened to two now and can't wait to start the third.  

In the nature of fairy tales, let's all hope this one does end up with a happy ending.  It still might not, so be prepared. I can't tell you not to get attached to anyone...because I know we all already are. We are not going to dwell on what could still go wrong and we will continue to do all we can to take the very best care we can, right?  Right.  

Now let's come up with some good names!

And enjoy having a new puzzle!  

You'll need to click on the image to get to the puzzle.  I think that worked okay for everyone last time, right?

Monday, May 1, 2017

Sneaking In

I just got home from picking up goat milk. I very, very quietly snuck in the front door so as not to let someone know I was home...and hearing all quiet, have now snuck into the office and onto the computer to quickly introduce... 

"Hi!  My name is Biscuit!"

"I'm the new lamb here.  Kate says you all knew it was gonna happen."

"I'm doing really well.  I'm super cute and a good baby to boot.  I like to go out in the yard and play in the lavender garden.  My mom took a bunch of pictures of me there yesterday and says she'll get them posted as quickly as she can, but 'baby before blogging'.  I agree!"

"It was really hot the last two few days, so we took lots of naps in front of a fan.  Today is cooler so we are both happier and feel more like bouncing around."

"I'm one of the triplets from the other day, but not the little girl that everyone thought would be chosen.  As soon as my new mom picked me up, I fell asleep in her arms.  She said that pretty well decided it, but when I played around in front of her and then curled up on her feet, that iced it."  

A post shared by Sara Dunham (@thecrazysheeplady) on

I'll keep posting pictures and hopefully short videos on Instagram.  They in turn auto-post to the Punkin's Patch Facebook page and Twitter, so if I have trouble sneaking off to update the blog, you can check there for updates.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Bullwinkle And His Shadow

Even though this black lamb is at least five weeks older than Bullwinkle, he's a slower growing breed*, so Bullwinkle is more like his big brother.  He's pretty nervous about everything in his new home and never leaves Bullwinkle's side.  BW alternates between being really excited to have a minion to being mad he has a minion.  Typical big brother ;-).

The new lamb came from Final Frontier Farm and is one of the Rocket lambs.  While Rocky would seem to be the perfect name to go with Bullwinkle, his grandfather, Rocket's dad Rocky, is one of the new rams at The Training Center this year and that's just too many Rocks in the neighborhood.

I took a fecal sample to the vet this morning to have them check for parasites.  I wrote his number (601) on the bag.  The tech looked at my messy handwriting and thought it said Levi.  I think that works :-). 

*His mother is Clover and she's a Cotswold/Wensleydale/Texel cross (one of Keebler's cousins) and Rocket is a Border Leicester/something cross.  He has a beautiful fleece that reminds me so far of Murphy.  He's bred more like Hershey and Spud though I think, so we'll have to wait and see.  


Long time readers of this blog will recognize this expression.  More later!  I feel like I am running for my life these days :-o.  

In case you need a hint...  

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

She Followed Me Home. Can I Keep Her?

"My new mom says you'll probably remember me from the other day."

"My old mom said I wasn't too interested in going mainstream."

"I think I made the right decision ;-)".

Still no name yet, but maybe Liddy?  Since she's such a "little-y" lamb?  She's 9 days old and still smaller than her two day old cousins.  She'll fit right in here :-).  Here are a couple pictures from the car ride home yesterday.

And a shot and video from this morning.  She slept in the kitchen last night, but I think she'll be negotiating for a spot in the bed tonight ;-).

Monday, June 30, 2014

Sunday, June 29, 2014

The Playground

A favorite toy for all sheep, young and old, is the utility trailer. I'll have to go back and see if I posted a video of Baaxter jumping around on it when he was really little. He figured out how to jump on and jump off and jump on and jump around and jump off...when he was quite young.

Baaxter is happy to share the trailer with his new friends.  Or at least two of his new friends.

This guy has yet to make it up on the rocket ship.

"They said they're flying off to the moon without me!"

"What do you mean you're going to go back in time?"

"Yeah, we just need to make some modifications first."

"Um, can't we just jump around?"

We've been watching the white faced lamb for a couple of days and have no idea why he can't figure out how to get up there.  We toyed with helping him up there once so he'd get the idea, but decided to wait and just watch.  Of course, if it'd had been Baaxter, I'd probably have helicopter parented myself right over to give him a boost ;-).


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