Showing posts with label spinning cloths. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spinning cloths. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Spinning With Friends

I recently finished painting a spinning contrast apron for a good friend who's been a good friend to my flock for many years now.  These are all sheep she's spun except for some Lila she gifted back to me when I was collecting fleeces for the bottle lamb yarn.  

Well, all except one.  How we missed Blossom/Baba when we were counting up sheep...  I'm looking forward to her bringing it back so I can add her in.  

Jared and Rocky

Maisie and Hank

Levi, Andy and Woody

Rebecca Boone, Beanie Baby, Elizabeth, Lila.  Wait...  Holy smokes, I think we forgot Buddy, too! :-o

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Weekend Wrap Up

Other than a bunch of spinning and a little bit of cloth work, I don't have much to post this week. And it's not even really a BUNCH of spinning.  I really didn't think it would take me this long to spin Maisie's yarn.  I'm not finished, but I'm getting close to saying I'm getting close.  I have 11 ounces of singles to go and then on to plying, which will go faster.

It took me a good 18 hours to spin the yarn for the black throw last year.  I'll probably end up clocking that much time on this yarn, too.  I should not sit down and figure what I've got in a sweater's worth.  At least I'd have a good answer for when people wonder why I don't sell much handspun yarn or when they wonder at the cost of handspun.

I started adding up costs of sheep, feed, bedding, vet care, shearing, washing, processing, spinning equipment, spinning time, time for all the other aforementioned aspects, land, barns, fences, guardian dog...and decided to just go out and do my morning chores and move on.  I'm getting tons of enjoyment and happiness from these sheep, so the yarn is practically me ;-).

I'm going to stop beating myself up about the yarn.  It's going to be beautiful and special :-).

And maybe 20 can help me get finished up!

Freshly laundered, pressed and cut (with my new rotary cutter - definitely worth the money) pieces of contrasting spinning cloths.  More painting this year!

And just when I was really feeling like I didn't get much done this week I remembered how many nice photos I took.  That takes time, too, and I think it's fair to add that in.  Plus it gives me an excuse to post more snow pictures :-).  

This is an easy photograph to take - seriously!  I stumbled on it by accident a few years ago and I think there's nothing that says 'more bang for your buck' than a sheep (or horse) standing just inside the shadowy dark barn with sunlight shining directly on her face.  (Blossom/Baba)

These pictures were all taken that same snowy morning.  I just moved around to different sides to use the light in different ways.  I love back lighting just as much as front lighting.  (Keebs and Chocs)

Or side lighting.  (PPPP)

Or Hank napping in the snow :-).  (Burrnie)

How did your week wrap up?

Saturday, January 22, 2011

On The 657th Day Of Christmas

Christmas should be everyday anyway. I signed up for a spinning workshop a few years ago and was instructed to bring either a contrasting spinning apron or light and dark colored pillow cases. I had to bring pillow cases. We used the color contrasts to help see what we were doing. It really did make a difference. I love painting people's sheep and thought maybe I would try to make and paint some actual spinning aprons for a few friends for Christmas. This one went to my friend Robin. She of course got Boudreaux, Petunia, Woolliam, Buddy, Rebecca Boone and Marcel. I completely stumped her with the gray lamb though. "Is this a new sheep you are planning to get this year?" "Uh, no. I didn't want Marcel to be lonely over there by himself." Painted sheep have feelings too! By the way, Marcel got 'tutered the other day, so he's coming home soon. I think he's had a pretty good time over at Tanglewood Farm ;-).


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