During a late winter trip to
Wilson's Nurseries in Frankfort, I impulse bought a packet of cotton seeds. I started (or tried to) the entire packet, but the seed starter kit I used was a disaster :-(. Only six plants made it to the garden. I had to mark them so I didn't grab them thinking they were weeds.
Once they started blooming though there was no confusion. I had no idea cotton bloomed so pretty! Some of the flowers are white. Some are white and turn pink. Some seem to start pink. I wish I had a time lapse camera set out there to say for sure. The blooms don't last very long and drop to the ground.
The plants are waist high.
I think these "hands" are holding a new bud.
But these are holding what I'm guessing is the start of a cotton boll!
I don't know what kind of harvest I'm going to have with only six plants, but I've had enough fun so far to warrant giving them another try next spring. I'm going to make my own starter pots though and not use the kits from TSC.
* * * * *
I'm glad I asked you all to count the bats. I thought we only had around 20! I try to count them but get distracted by watching where one goes and miss a couple more coming out or Baaxter walks over to talk to me or... They haven't moved into the new house yet, but putting it up there didn't seem to scare them away. Whew!
Windswept Farm won the drawing!
Send me an email with your mailing address and I'll get one of the new Punkin's Patch bags in the mail to you right away :-).