Showing posts with label clovers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label clovers. Show all posts

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Weekend Wrap Up

 This was a busy week!  More company, more rain, more Dug shenanigans, lots of work, lots of fun.

Maisie was once again our little ray of sunshine.  This time shining in from the eastern side of the barn.

The big news was of course the eclipse.  I got scared off traveling to see the totality, but we had a good time watching it from our neighborhood.  I rode my bike with Dug and Bea and we had zero traffic issues :-D.

Frankie is fully embracing his back to work regime.

The sheep slogging out on yet another rainy morning.

Wool cats beds are just the thing for a cool rainy night.  Luckily for Archie I haven't started skirting any fleeces yet :-/. 

The redbuds have been beautiful even with all the rain.

 But finally the sun came out and Big J and I enjoyed morning coffee out in the driveway :-). 

This is Maisie's morning spot right now.  She still sleeps facing out the back door, just a bit further in the barn at night.  In the morning, if it's sunny, this is where you'll find her.

A pretty four leaf clover.

Among lots of other adventures, Dug embraced the party week and enjoyed a bonfire in the greenhouse.

And then went for a kayak ride and a float out in the pond this afternoon.

Missing are pictures of the raised bed garden area.  Sadly I forgot to take a before picture.  I can still get a "during" picture.  After pictures will be later this week....depending on the incoming rain :-/.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Not Something You See Every Sunday

I play the piano for a small country church in neighboring Paris, Kentucky. Hopewell Presbyterian is one of the oldest churches in Bourbon County, since the late 1700's.  I'm betting it's seen many, many things over the years, but I'm guessing this particular thing is a first.  Do you see it?


This is where I sit, at my beloved old 1907 Kurtzmann piano that is still going strong.  And the lamb in the picture is Lila.  Almost all of our lambs have attended church with me.  Some stay longer than other (Lila, Liddy, Bullwinkle, Biscuit).  Some spend more time outside (Keebler, Maisie, Baaxter).

I'd link to all their church stories, but it's getting late and I need to hit the hay.  You can use the search box for "church" "piano" "Easter" or "Hopewell" and probably find most of them.  Or scroll back through each lamb's name in the labels.  That's a fun rainy afternoon activity :-).

A little closer view.  Look out the window.  Do you see it?

Yep, that's a four leaf clover.  Stuck in a spider web.  On the outside of the window.  Next to my piano.  It looks like it has been pressed.  It's flat and brown.

Where on earth did it come from?

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Sunday Stills - Crowd Work

They say two's company and three's a crowd.  Let's go a bit further this week. The challenge… pics with more than 5 people or animals or even birds. Have fun…..

We haven't seen much out of Burrnie lately, so I made a special effort to try and include him.  It always makes me smile to see him up to his eyeballs in grass, surrounded by buddies.

And usually not far from his best gal, Maisie ;-).

The boys out back.

That's Baaxter's dad in the center.

A crowd of flowers.  Probably the best kind of crowd :-).

I was excited to find this five leaf clover to include...until I went to copy the challenge directions over here and realized I hadn't read them carefully.  More than five.  Sigh...

For more crowded Sunday Stills...

Monday, April 14, 2014

A Profound Thought?

Sometimes you find your luck in the middle of beautiful green field...

And sometimes you find it in the middle of a pile of sheep poop :-D.

Hey, it's Monday.  Whadya expect?  ;-). 

"Wake me up when it's over."

Saturday, July 20, 2013

The Pick Six

I found eight clovers that afternoon. I picked and pressed six and left one wouldn't be lonely ;-). picked six winners:

Tyche's Minder




Miha Giustina


Shoot me an email with your mailing address :-D.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Are Ya Feeling Lucky Today?

As I walked over to clean Hickory's water yesterday, I noticed a four leaf clover. And remember the rule...if you see one, look for two!  There were more than two!

iPhone photo

I picked several (not saying how many so as not to give away any clues ;-) and have them pressing in a book in the Wool House. 

How many clovers do you see?  Have fun looking and leave a comment with your guess.  At the end of the day tomorrow I'll draw for some winners and send several folks a little good luck from Equinox Farm :-D.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Back Down To Earth...Or The Driveway

How many do you see? 

There is one on the left side of the chunk of white wool, but most of one leaf is missing so it's hard to see from an iPhone shot. I'll give you that one ;-).

Thursday, November 24, 2011

High Ho Hickory

I was hoping to be able to post a fun video of me riding Hickory on a Thanksgiving trail ride, 7MSN style. Instead, here's what I got.

Yes, I was having a stroke worrying Hank was going to get run over, kicked or otherwise caught up in the fray. Yes, I moved the sheep out of Hickory's field today, not because I was worried Hickory would hurt them, but Hank's obviously not convinced (his sheep were up at the barn watching the show). Definitely not worth the risk.

However, all's well that ends well and it's fun to watch Hickory put huge divots all over the field ripping around enjoying himself. And I'm glad he cut loose when I wasn't on him....although maybe he could have saved a little bit of that energy for later ;-). We had a nice ride - sorry, no video - and after I turned him back out I found a four leaf clover (in late November?!?).

Thankful and lucky :-).

We hope everyone has an enjoyable Thanksgiving...every day.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Testing My Luck

I am not loving the new slide show feature Blogger has implemented. Normally I'd post this picture and assume we'd be able to click and possibly even double click it to enlarge it enough to see five four leaf clovers. We'll see, but I'm guessing it's going to be smaller and in the LightBox. Maybe not because it's only one picture, not multiples. Let's test it.

That fifth clover is hard to spot. It's on the left, near the top. Can you find it?

Monday, April 25, 2011

Lucky Winners

Whoops - I missed Kim's guess of five too - it was late. So, Kim, tell me where fifth clover is and I'll add you to the prize list :-).

The random number generator picked comment #5 - Janna

I see four four leaf clovers. Alice, if you can tell me where the fifth one is, you are the big winner! If that was just a guess, of the three people who found four, the random number generator says #1 - small farm girl...or should I say Small Farm Girl, Winner ;-).

Drop me an email at thecrazysheeplady AT myfavoritesheep DOT com and give me your mailing addresses.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Are Ya' Feeling Lucky?

April showers...

...bring lots of clovers!

Do you ever find 4 leaf clovers?

How many do you see here?

Let's have some fun. In the comments section, answer the first question - a simple yes or no - and I'll draw a winner on Monday evening. Answer the second question and I'll draw a second winner from all the correct answers. Leave just the number, not location(s).

As an aside, I knew I'd blogged my True Story about finding clovers. Searched back to see it and look who else I found in that post. And I didn't have any gray hair either!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Oh Lucky Day!

Just got the call that the first 200 bales of hay we ordered is on the way. Talk about a photo finish. Whew!

I'm also getting ready to do a test iron-on transfer for t-shirts. I'm in contact with a screen printer in town, but it's obviously too late to get shirts ready for this weekend. In the meantime, if this works, I'll be happy to send out a printable image. Stay tuned!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

You'd Almost Think...

We were planting them out here.

This is actually a five leaf, hopefully even more good luck!

And the focus here is how neat it is to find a special clover in your dye garden, not that there is a big weed that needs to be removed...


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Magic In The Mist

A welcome sign of impending fall.

We've almost made it.


Sherman and B. Willard


Blizzard and Mia

Tall Paul (Ewen McTeagle ;-)

Hank follows me everywhere I go. I think he likes having his picture taken. My old dog Sam was the same way. I'd try to take a picture of something and he'd always run over in front and 'sit pretty'. I posed him so many times he probably thought that was just what he was supposed to do, but part of me thinks he understood pictures were special and wanted to be in them.

So Hank and I walk all around the foggy field, snapping away. I say, "Hank, I bet this is just like Ireland. Now all we need to do is find a four leaf clover!"

I looked down and there it was. Right at my feet.

Just like magic.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Just Can't Get Enough

A warm (but not hot!) sunny spring day. Good company. Cute lambs. Does it get any better?

"Hey - watch me jump off the jungle gym!"

I'm pretty partial to those fuzzy faced black lambs.

"Yes, I realize their favorite toy is a dirt pile. Really, I'm alright with that."

Guess which sheep in this picture is related to Graham Lamb?

Yep, we'd know those ears anywhere. It's uncanny. Meet Gabby, Graham's sister.

A year ago this picture would have reminded me of the Sheep Woman artwork. Now it reminds me of the Kentucky Sheep and Fiber Festival. It's getting close. Don't forget there are some fun workshops and competitions. Come join us!

And just to prove I didn't plant special four leaf clovers on our farm. I think there are four leaf clovers in all sheep fields.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

What Do You Get...

...when you cross a

with a

Yep, another one. It's looking like a good year!


The cluck o'the Irish.

You can direct your groans to Alice ;-).

Don't forget to wear your green!


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